Science and Engineering
The programs listed below will be present at the Grad Fair. On the day of the fair, please select the link at the bottom of the program description to join the Zoom session. You may also visit the Zoom links page for a complete list of programs and links.
M.S. Biological Sciences and Biotech Certificate Program
The Master of Science degree in Biological Science offers students the opportunity to obtain advanced academic and research experience in specialized areas. Biological science is an exciting field offering students numerous options for rewarding careers and scientific advancement. The M.S. in Biological Science is a research-based thesis program that provides students with opportunities to develop and complete research projects to enhance advancement and career opportunities in biology. It requires 30 semester units of coursework.
Zoom link: Graduate Coordinator unavailable during fair. Please contact Dr. Maria Gallegos at for more information.
M.S. Biostatistics
The Department of Statistics and Biostatistics offers graduate study leading to the degree Master of Science in Biostatistics. The program is designed to serve the needs of students with varying backgrounds in Statistics, Biological Sciences, Public Health, Computer Science, Mathematics and other sciences. The program includes curriculum designed to prepare students to work in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. All students are expected to master a wide variety of applied statistical and probabilistic techniques and the theoretical foundations on which these techniques rest. They are expected to be familiar with recent developments and to be able to use the statistical literature to learn new techniques and theories throughout their professional careers. In addition to the general requirements stated elsewhere in this catalog, a student must satisfy the departmental requirements stated in the following paragraphs.
Zoom link:
M.S. Chemistry
The Master of Science degree provides students with advanced training in chemistry and the analytical skills needed to process and critique complex chemical information. The program requires a set of core courses encompassing the different disciplines of chemistry. Students may complete the remaining unit requirements with coursework in chemistry or may choose a biochemistry concentration, with the additional coursework in that area. The degree program mainly serves students in four categories: those seeking opportunities in the chemical industry requiring training beyond the baccalaureate level, employed chemists who wish to enhance their career potential, future teachers of high school or community college chemistry, and individuals contemplating more advanced graduate study.
Because of the rapid progress in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry, the department strives to offer a range of courses that cover not only established principles but also recent advances. Through laboratory-based coursework and research opportunities, students are prepared for new developments in experimental methods and instrumentation. They acquire experience reading and analyzing the chemical or biochemical literature in several courses, as well as through a research-based laboratory or computational project (Plan A) or by developing a written literature review (Plan B).
Students interested in the M.S. degree program in Computer Science should contact the Computer Science Graduate Coordinator.
Zoom link: Graduate Coordinator unavailable during fair. Please contact Dr. Anne Kotchevar at
M.S. Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science offers graduate study leading to the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science. This program is designed to extend the student’s knowledge in a broad manner beyond the baccalaureate degree major in Computer Science. It will both (1) deepen general understanding of theoretical principles and (2) provide exposure to important applications of Computer Science such as security, software engineering, database, networking, and others. This approach is especially important in Computer Science, where training in specific languages and systems and on specific machines is transitory, as these languages, systems, and machines evolve. In contrast, many of the principles will last, and generally apply to a wide variety of specializations within the field. The breadth of subject material is important as many students will have a number of different job classifications in their working lives.
Students pursuing the Master of Science in Computer Science choose from one of two concentrations, Computer Science or Computer Networks. The Computer Science concentration provides significant flexibility allowing the student to direct their studies towards the special interest area they find most compelling. The Computer Networks concentration provides the opportunity to focus on topics in Computer Networking.
Our program features small classes that allow for close contact between students and faculty. Many graduate classes are offered in the late afternoon or early evening, making it possible for working students to attend.
Students interested in the M.S. degree program in Computer Science should contact the Computer Science Graduate Coordinator.
Zoom link:
Zoom instructions: None
M.S. Construction Management
The School of Engineering is offering a Master’s of Science degree in Construction Management. This degree is targeted for working professionals who are in leadership/management positions in the construction industry or planning to advance their careers to manage large construction projects.
The goals of the Masters of Science degree in Construction Management are to prepare effective managers for large public and private construction projects, to prepare the workforce required for the state’s transportation infrastructure improvements, and to enable current and future engineers and other professionals to assume leadership roles in the construction industry.
This program is different from other construction management programs as it is based on a well-balanced curriculum covering various aspects of the construction management profession. Special attention is given to working professionals with classes offered at times convenient for the students. Students will take required courses in legal and environmental issues in construction, advanced technology, project planning and control, cost estimating, financial and risk management issues. Also issues in construction safety and current trends in construction industry will be discussed. Students will also have a broad choice of electives from courses in construction management, engineering, business, or other graduate courses with department approval.
Zoom link:
M.S. Environmental Geosciences
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences offers graduate study leading to the Master of Science degree in Environmental Geosciences, focusing on near surface and environmental geology, seismic hazards and Bay Area tectonics, and water and soil characterization and remediation.
This program is designed to prepare students for:
employment as geologists and environmental scientists in government (city, county, regional, state, and federal) and private consulting firms (environmental, engineering, and geotechnical firms, mining and oil companies, etc.);
professional licensing requirements;
doctoral study in environmental science, geology, geochemistry, and geophysics; and
teaching at the Community College level
The department also provides continuing education for professional geologists, engineers, planners, etc.
Our M.S. program is unique in the bay area in that many courses are offered in the evenings, and augmented by field experiences. Graduate seminars address diverse subjects; for example, geochemical evolution of groundwater, natural tracers of geologic processes, tectonic geomorphology, earthquake hazards, bay area tectonics, near-surface geophysics, and modern depositional environments. We maintain strong connections with East Bay Regional Parks, the California Environmental Protection Agency, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, NASA Ames, the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Candidates for the M.S. degree will engage in significant, guided, individual research. Recent M.S. thesis and project research topics include near surface geophysics, groundwater dating, groundwater nitrate source identification, local catchment characterization, surface water-groundwater interaction, geologic mapping, slope stability, geochemistry, Bay Area structural geology, engineering geology, and neotectonics. Prospective candidates should determine whether their research interests coincide with those of the faculty members before applying to the program. We invite interested persons to contact the department faculty directly for more details on the program. The Graduate Coordinator provides guidance that enables students to complete the requirements for advancement in the graduate program.
Zoom link:
Zoom instructions: No pre-registration necessary; waiting room will be set up
M.S. Engineering Management
The California State University, East Bay School of Engineering, provides an interdisciplinary master’s of science degree in Engineering Management. This degree is designed for working engineers and professionals who are in leadership/management positions or who are planning to advance their careers into the management of technical enterprises. It is also designed to benefit engineering or science graduates who are interested in assuming leadership positions in industry. Students gain theoretical and practical training in how to plan, organize, allocate resources, and direct and control activities that have technological components. The curriculum is distinctive in that it provides a blend of qualitative management and quantitative industrial engineering skills. Courses are offered in engineering, business, computer science and statistics.
Zoom link:
M.A. Interactive Design and Interactive Art
Master of Arts in Interaction Design and Interactive Art(MA IxDIA) is a unique interdisciplinary program that focuses on creating interactive applications and objects as part of a designed user experience. This unique program provides artists studio and fabrication spaces, courses in emerging methods, contemporary art and theory, an engaged faculty and access to student research grants and mentorship.
The Master of Arts in Interaction Design and Interactive Art emphasizes the creative and technical aspects of current and emerging technologies and their use in creating, controlling, delivering, and presenting compelling content in an interactive form. Plus, it draws from elements in a number of fields including art, computer science, journalism, psychology, and telecommunications.
This Master's program is a two-year degree program. Most coursework is offered in the evening. During the first year, students develop a theoretical foundation in interaction design, enhance their creative skills, and learn to work effectively in teams. During the second year, small teams of students with various backgrounds and talents create innovative, professional-quality interactive projects. Ideas for group projects can originate from students, faculty, or external sources. Many of CSU Eastbay's student projects have won national and international awards.
Zoom link: Graduate Coordinator is unavailable during the fair. Please contact Professor Ian Pollock at
M.S. Mathematics
The Mathematics Department offers graduate study leading to the degree of Master of Science in Mathematics. The department prides itself on providing excellent instruction in advanced mathematics and maintaining a supportive learning environment for graduate students. Students in the program will be exposed to the fundamental areas of pure and applied mathematics and have the opportunity to explore specialized areas in depth. The completed program prepares students for careers in community college teaching, positions in industry that require knowledge of mathematics beyond the undergraduate level, as well as for advanced study toward a Ph.D. degree in mathematics or a related field.
The M.S. program features small classes that allow for close contact between students and faculty. Students interested in the M.S. degree program in Mathematics should speak with the Mathematics Graduate Coordinator.
cs include near surface geophysics, groundwater dating, groundwater nitrate source identification, local catchment characterization, surface water-groundwater interaction, geologic mapping, slope stability, geochemistry, Bay Area structural geology, engineering geology, and neotectonics. Prospective candidates should determine whether their research interests coincide with those of the faculty members before applying to the program. We invite interested persons to contact the department faculty directly for more details on the program. The Graduate Coordinator provides guidance that enables students to complete the requirements for advancement in the graduate program.
Zoom link:
Zoom instructions: None
M.S. Statistics and M.S. Biostatistics
The Department of Statistics and Biostatistics offers graduate study leading to the degree Master of Science in Statistics. The program is flexible in order to serve the needs of students with varying backgrounds (including statistics, mathematics, computer science, engineering, business, economics and other quantitative fields) and with different career objectives. The program includes concentrations in in Actuarial Science, Applied Statistics, Data Science, and Mathematical Statistics. All students are expected to master a wide variety of applied statistical, computational, and probabilistic techniques and the theoretical foundations upon which these techniques are based. Students are expected to be familiar with recent developments in the field and to be able to use the statistical literature to learn new techniques and theories throughout their professional careers. In addition to the general requirements stated elsewhere in this catalog, students must satisfy the departmental requirements stated in the following paragraphs.
Students interested in pursuing an M.S. degree in Biostatistics should see the Biostatistics chapter in the university catalog.
Zoom link:
Special Session Program (University Extension)
The quality, value, and outcomes your future deserves
There's a world of opportunity waiting. Gain the skills and expertise necessary to get a job, grow professionally, and move onto new career paths. Choose from a variety of high-quality degree and certificate programs customized for convenience and flexibility.
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Zoom instructions: Waiting room