The 2023 




The Colorado Springs School's Senior Capstone program is a multi-week, student-generated experience that fosters innovation and engagement in a real-world context. Each Capstone project is grounded in essential questions that have been developed by the student. Project work is then designed such that students are at the center of an intensive investigation to answer those questions. The process invites students to explore, test-drive, or jumpstart a potential career path or college major or simply explore an interesting topic in depth. Furthermore, the experience is scaffolded in such a way that students:

Seniors begin their Capstone journeys early in their senior year. They explore many options in their initial push to find a topic that will draw upon components of their CSS experience in a comprehensive way. The process of investigating potential project topics also asks students to think critically about personal interests that may be worthy of further developing. 

Seniors conduct informational interviews with professionals as an exercise in networking with industry experts. Based on information collected during the interviews, students formulate the Essential Questions that will inform the direction that the Capstone project will take. An assigned Faculty Sponsor and the Capstone Director meet periodically with each senior throughout the year to solidify the student's project plan. Seniors also secure a Community Mentor, an expert in the professional field chosen for the Capstone topic, to help guide and supervise each project.