Welcome to the Rose Warner
Writing and Critical Thinking Center

We view writing as an integral part of learning, and that writing prowess, coupled with independent, critical thinking skills, produces conscientious citizens who, empowered, can also empower others. 

We see your writing as a "thing of beauty" for what it is and we’re grateful you've taken the time to write, and we are honored to take part in your writing process.

Steve Backus (1961-2023), CSS Writing Center Founder & Director, 2003-2023

Summer 2024 Hours

We welcome all students enrolled at CSS — undergraduate and graduate — to the Writing Center for our range of writing support services. 

Drop-in: Students can stop by the Writing Center (Tower Hall 2121) Mondays - Fridays 2:30 - 4:30 for in-person writing support.

Appointment: Students can request a meeting with Michael (in person or Zoom) or Ruth (over Zoom) using the link above.

Online Feedback: Students can submit their papers online for asynchronous feedback, review and guidance.

Tutor.com: Students can request a meeting or submit their papers for review. Learn more here.

Come visit us!

Writing Center News & Announcements

New Website Launch

JULY 1, 2024 — The Writing Center is excited to launch its new website! 

We invite you to explore the site and explore our increased virtual support options, including submitting papers for asynchronous review, asking quick questions (such as formatting, grammar/language use), and scheduling sessions with our writing consultants (tutors) — as well as specialized resources for grad students and L2 students.

We also have some new faculty support features, including a syllabus statement as well as resources regarding academic and professional writing style and tone.

Welcome Interim Director, Ruth Knezevich!

JUNE 3, 2024 — The Writing Center extends a warm welcome to Interim Director Dr. Ruth Knezevich (PhD, University of Missouri) as she prepares the Center to transition to new leadership. Ruth comes to us most recently from Hamline University's Department of English and Center for Academic Success and Advising where she helped redesign the university's first-year writing curriculum and implement interdepartmental scaffolding for student support. She is excited to be back in her hometown of Duluth and join the Saints community. Welcome, Ruth!