St. Scholastica Earth "Week" 2022

April 14 -April 24

Celebrate the Benedictine Value of Stewardship this April!

During April 2022, the College of Saint Scholastica is joining with local artists, adventurers, and colleges and universities across Minnesota to celebrate our wonderful planet and take action to build a healthier and more just world.

See below for more information regarding video screenings, a community clean up and t-shirt give-away, trivia, guided meditations, and discussions focused on our relationship with the Earth and each other.

Check out the information below and join us!

Events and Activities

Mother Earth in Mind and Heart, Hope and Healing

A series of collaborative programs(mostly virtual events) hosted by Bemidji State University, North Hennepin Community College, the College St. Scholastica, Augsburg College, Metro State, UMN-Morris, and the MN DNR

In celebration of the 52nd Earth Day, several Minnesota colleges and universities are collaborating to present a virtual week-long summit. How do we begin to heal from so much personal and global trauma? How do we look ahead with hope for future generations? Mother Earth knows the answer. We just need to be better listeners. We need to remember how to listen with our heart.

Beginning Saturday, April 16th, and continuing through Sunday, April 24th, we will explore and honor our relationship with the land, our communities, and each other through a series of engaging presentations, discussions, film screenings, music, and activities. Inspired by diverse voices striving for justice, we remind ourselves of the importance of equitable solutions, both systemic and individual, that lifts up all present and future human and more-than-human relatives. Caring for Mother Earth is caring for all of us. Note, most events will be held virtually though some will be offered in person.

Register HERE (this event is FREE) and Find More Information HERE

Community Clean-Up and T-Shirt Give-Away

Clean up litter and waste outside around the College or in your home community between Thursday, April 14th and Sunday, April 24th and earn a free shirt!

  • Take a picture of you cleaning up a space and the waste you collected and post to social media(Instagram or Facebook) with the hashtag #SaintsCleanUp.

  • Starting April 19th, come down to the Outdoor Pursuits office on the ground floor of the Burns Wellness Center and show us your picture to pick up a custom CSS Earth Day 2022 Shirt designed by Duluth printmaker Nick Wrobleski. (T-shirts are limited to the first 100 people.)

Breaking Trail Documentary Screening

Sign-up to watch Breaking Trail, the award-wining adventure documentary featuring Duluth's own Emily Ford on your device anytime between April 18-24th.


Anywhere on your device. Sign up via Google Forms ( to receive a link to view Breaking Trail between April 18th through April 23rd.

Film Synopsis:

Emily Ford sets out with Diggins, a borrowed Alaskan Husky sled dog, to become the first woman and person of color to thru-hike the 1,200-mile Ice Age Trail in winter. As the 69-day journey through subzero temperatures tests her physical and mental endurance, Emily and her canine protector develop an unbreakable bond as they embrace the unexpected kindness of strangers and discover they’ve become figureheads in the movement to make the outdoors more accessible for everyone. What begins as an extraordinary physical and mental challenge also becomes a spiritual adventure. (30 Minutes)

Tuesday, April 19

1-2pm | Climate Anxiety (Virtual Presentation )

As our changing climate disrupts the rhythms of nature that we’re accustomed to as individuals and communities, anxiety connected to these changes can impact our health and well being.


Zoom: (password: hope)


Dr. Leah Prussia, Associate Professor of Social Work, The College of Saint Scholastica

Ellie Olson, Director, Center of Wellness and Counseling, Augsburg University

During this session, the presenters will identify different characteristics of climate anxiety and discuss strategies to navigate our personal well-being in the midst of our changing world.

Friday, April 22

3:30-5pm | Highway 61 Revisited Presentation and Walk


Zeitgeist Teatro

222 E. Superior Street

Duluth, MN 55802


The College of Saint Scholastica hosts Jordan van der Hagen of the Duluth Waterfront Collective for an exploratory walk of the downtown I-35 corridor. Join in the reimagining of this space to create a more livable, equitable, and sustainable Duluth. Facebook Event Link

For questions or more information, contact College of Saint Scholsatica Sustainability Facilitator Ryan Ihrke at or 218-723-7092.