2024 Teacher Training at the College of St. Scholastica

Sponsored by the Alworth Center for the Study of Peace and Justice 

With the Center for Global Environmental Education at Hamline University

And the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District

Training designed to be broadly applicable for K-12 educators, 

including time to develop age-specific materials.

Tentative Schedule:


Thursday, April 11, 2024:


Public Lecture, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, "The Flint Water Crisis and Community Resilience"

Mitchell Auditorium (and Livestream), College of St. Scholastica

7:30 PM-9:00 PM

CEUs: 1.5

Attendees will also receive a copy of Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha's book What the Eyes Don't See: A Story of Crisis,
Resistance, and Hope in an American City. Books can be picked up at the book table 

at the Alworth lecture on April 11 or at the training on April 13. 


Saturday, April 13, 2024:


In-person teacher training and workshops

Tower Hall, College of St. Scholastica

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

CEUs: 6.5


8:30 - 9:00 - Coffee and Sign-In

9:00 - 9:15 - Welcome (Tim Lorek)

9:15 - 10:15 - Workshop #1, Developing Curriculum on the Flint Water Crisis

Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:15 - Workshop #2, Water and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Fond du Lac)

11:30 - 12:15 - Lunch (provided)

12:30 - 1:15 - Workshop #3, Adopt a Storm Drain (Hamline CGEE)

1:30 - 2:15 - Workshop #4, WLSSD, sanitation, and PFAS (WLSSD, Ryan Ihrke)

Coffee Break

2:30 - 3:30 - Group-Based Development Time


Total CEUs: 8


*Please note the continuing construction on the new CSS Student Center this year which will limit parking in the lot closest to the Mitchell. Feel free to park in any available lot on campus but allow a few extra minutes for walking. There will be signs posted to direct your walk to the Mitchell.

Main Campus

1200 Kenwood Avenue
Duluth, MN 55811