FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions

*What if my child doesn't attend CSISD, can they still come to Summer Enrichment?

YES! Home school, private schools, hasn't started Head Start/Pre-K/Kindergarten in CSISD, children in other school districts/towns are all welcome.

*Do I have to register my child for all four hours of Summer Enrichment?

You may choose any combination of classes to equal up to 4 hours. There is no minimum amount of hours required to register. You may register for 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours or all 4 hours.

*What if I can't select my child when attempting to register them for a course?

Each course has age/grade requirements. You will be able to select the classes that your child qualifies for based on these requirements. If your child does not appear as an option they do not meet the requirements set for the course. You may click on the Edit button next to their name to fix any profile information that is incorrect.

*Is there a waiting list for a class?

Waiting lists are not available for courses.

*What if I need assistance with class fees?

Please email the Director- summerenrichment@csisd.org to discuss your need. The full balance will need to be paid before your child attends class on the first day.

*Will I be refunded for days that my child does not attend?

Tuition is not prorated for days that are missed.

*How early can I drop my child off in the mornings?

There will be a staff member on duty at 7:35am each morning to monitor students in the gym until 8am.

*What time do I have to pick my child up?

Within 15 minutes after their last scheduled course

*Why do I have to show my ID to pick up my child?

To make sure that we are returning your child safely to someone who is authorized to pick up your child.

*Is there a location for parents to wait while my child is in class?

There is no designated waiting room/area available during Summer Enrichment hours. Campus playgrounds and fenced areas are closed to the public during Summer Enrichment hours. Looking for some outdoor space? We encourage you to visit a local neighborhood or city park.