Local Agencies

Each of us has our own strengths and challenges, things we can learn and things we can share.  TWG is a new program, working to bring together participants to inspire growth, foster connections and build upon strengths to achieve long term goals; to encourage collaboration between employers, community, neighbors, people.

The objective of TWG is to “shorten the food line” by empowering targeted individuals to set goals to begin to change their lives from food insecure to food secure.  TWG works with accepted participants to identify their needs, set goals and develop a plan to accomplish their goals.  After participants’ plans are set, two tracks occur simultaneously 1) casework and supportive services and 2) training, job placement and ongoing workplace support.

There are specific requirements to participate. Click on the link below to see requirments to particpate. 

Fill out Application Here

Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living (BVCIL)

The BVCIL is a consumer-based, consumer-controlled, cross-disability, cross-cultural, non-residential, private nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to promote the full inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of community life. 


Transportation Services

Independent Living Skills

Transitional Services

Information and Referrals

Peer Support

MHMR Authoriy of Brazos valley

MHMR Flyer

Each year, over 7,600 children and adults throughout a seven county area depend on the services provided by MHMR Authority of Brazos Valley. Adults and children with either a mental illness or intellectual & developmental disability know they can count on MHMRABV for help. A wide array of services are provided so that each person served can truly live with dignity and independence. While MHMRABV is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, some funding is received through grants and contracts. Unfortunately, these resources do not meet the level of need for our community. Your donation will be used to bridge this gap and will enable our clients to receive the help they need. An investment in MHMRABV is an investment in our community. 

IDD Services

Mental Health Services

Main Line: 979 - 822-6467

Mental Health Routine Services: 979-361-9815

Project Unity for Empowerment for Hope

Project Unity aims to empower and strengthen our community by caring for its people, supporting and educating its families, and fostering hope and change in the lives of all involved.


We are honored to be able to provide these services at no cost to our clients. There is need greater than any of us dare to imagine, right here in our own community. By providing these services to the Brazos Valley, we are continuously seeing stories of human suffering turn into stories of human triumph...

and that is what we are all about!

View Services Here

Programs & Services Guide

Health and Human Services

Community Care

Services for older Texans and People with Disabilities

What is community Care Services Eligibility?

Out staff make functional and financial eligibility determinations to help people who are aging and those with disabilities to receive long term services and supports that enables them to remain in the community. Community Care Services staff develop service plans based on individual needs and preferences to help individuals maintain independence and delay or prevent institutionalization. Funding for many services is limited. Consequently, the names of those interested in applying for some services are placed on the appropriate interest lists. 

Community Care Brochure*

To Apply Call Toll Free: Region 7 (Austin) HHS Office: 1-855-839-3247

*eligibility requirements

IDD Services

People with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) can choose where to live depending on what they want and which services they qualify for. People with IDD can live in:

Children's Autism Program (CAP)

A child is eligible for treatment through the Children’s Autism Program (CAP) if the child:

Get help preparing for post-secondary education and employment opportunities through the following individualized services. Services are based on eligibility and your individual needs and are provided in collaboration with the family, high school, community college, or Educational Service Center. 

CSISD Zoned VR Counselor

Transition VR Counselor: Trevette Bookman

Phone Office: 979-595-2880 

Hours: 9:00 am - 12 pm & 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Email Address: trevette.bookman@twc.texas.gov

 Pre-Apprenticeship Electrician Class

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, popularly known as WIC, is a nutrition program for pregnant, breastfeeding women and families with children younger than 5.

“Thanks to WIC, I now have the tools I need to make sure my family stays on the path to a healthy lifestyle.”
Roxy, WIC Client.

You can take classes, meet with other families, and get one-on-one nutrition counseling so you can make smart choices and delicious family meals!

Apply Online Here

Our mission is to support survivors of sexual violence through advocacy, counseling, and crisis intervention and work to end sexual violence in the Brazos Valley

English Flyer

Spanish Flyer

Imagine Enterprises

Benefits Planning

Work Incentive Planning & Assistance (WIPA)

TWS-VRS Benefits Planning


Chief Operating Officer


Texas Workforce Solution – Vocational Rehabilitation Service (TWS-VRS), is a long-standing partner with Imagine Enterprises.  Since 2012, TWS-VRS created a fee-for-service agreement to provide benefits planning services to their customers. Since 2012, Imagine has written more than 3,000 benefits plans to the TWS-VRS customers.  Our services are FREE to the customers!

If you are on disability benefits and have an open case with the Texas Workforce Solutions – Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS), please ask your VR counselor to send a referral* to Imagine Enterprises to receive individual counseling about your benefits and the impact of work on them.

If you are on disability benefits and have started to open your case with TWS-VRS and your counselors tell you that you are “presumed eligible”, your counselor can request an individual benefits plan be written for you.

If you are on disability benefits and need help finding a job, go to your closest Texas Workforce Solutions – Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) and request their help. Once you have an open case, you can also request a referral* to Imagine Enterprises to receive individual counseling about your benefits and the impact of work on them.

Who is it for?

Where to Go:

Brazos Health Resource Center

Phone: (979) 690-4845 

2901 E 29th St. Suite 109, Bryan, TX 77802

Brazos county 

Apply Online Here