"Leftovers" Exhibit

Table of Contents


"Leftovers" by Emily Lin, is about how a consumerist society affects the environment and the future generation.

Digital Painting

1620 x 2250 px

Finished on April 14, 2021

We live in a very consumerist society, where everything must be brand new and products are not made to last, especially technology. This creates a lot of waste which is difficult to break down and causes pollution.


I chose to use the pose from "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo Da Vinci because I thought it would look interesting with a skeleton. I chose to draw a skeleton because humanity will be dead if the earth dies.


The Cross:

This is referring to the spread of Christianity due to European colonization. The colonizers thought they were "civilizing the savages" by colonizing them and spreading Christianity, when reality, they were stripping away the natives' culture and independence. The message is that the "right" and "normal" practices in society are not sustainable but rather harmful.


The textile/fast fashion industry is one of the largest polluters. Not only do they use exploitative labor, they also contaminate local water and use synthetic material that's difficult to break down. Instead of excessively consuming fast fashion, people should just buy what they need.


Gloves are used by cleaners, symbolizing how it's always the next generation's problem to clean up the mess that the previous generation made.