Teaching and Learning

Year Three

Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, I have been focused on strengthening my use of the blended learning station rotation model within my own classroom. I have utilized many varying strategies and techniques as I continue to change the structure of the model to best differentiate and meet the needs of my learners. I have created a strong foundation of what I believe to be a successful station rotation model that I will continue to use in my future years of teaching.

Student desks are spread out to limit exposure in the classroom

Return to Blended Learning:

In order to successfully roll out the blended learning model within my classroom, I introduced the station rotations to my students within the first few weeks of school. We consistently reviewed blended learning expectations and initially practiced modeling blended learning using social emotional learning activities that were not necessarily subject or content-based. This assisted students in quickly acquiring the routine of blended learning before utilizing this teaching model in subject areas.

I will continue implementing specific procedures that students will follow in order to ensure safety in the classroom. Blended learning small groups remain the same throughout the week to limit exposure to others. Small groups have designated locations within the classroom or on the carpet in the hallway where they can remain socially distanced. The teacher-led station within the classroom takes place at the carpet, where students have a designated spot to sit on. The independent station in the classroom takes place at their desks which are spread out from one another. Students will use their own materials when necessary in order to prevent the spread of germs that can come from sharing with others.

Holistic Assessment & Student Conferences

Throughout the year I meet with students one-on-one to discuss ongoing data, assessments and observations. At the beginning of every Trimester I meet with students individually to discuss their Star Assessment results. I use a data sheet with a bar graph noting the student's scores after each Star Assessment. When we meet, we discuss how the assessment went, what their scores mean, and different ways students can be improve but also continue to be challenged. I also meet with students regularly to review writing samples, A.R. Reading goals, and to discuss ways they can stay consistent at home with their learning so as to support their ongoing growth.

Observation accompanied by one-on-one conferencing are effective ways for me to best understand and meet the needs of my diverse learners. Below is an example of the observations and reflections that take place while data conferencing.

Holistic Assessment & Data Conferencing

Collaborative Staff Culture

What's great about our staff culture... Having a collaborative staff culture is vital to creating a community-based atmosphere for students and their families. Our school collaborates in many different ways. We conduct weekly staff meetings to reflect on our teaching, data upcoming events, and in what ways we can improve as teachers. Being able to effectively and openly communicate with one another provides a safe space for us to share ideas, feedback and advice.

In order to show more support towards one another, it is a goal of ours to visit each other's classrooms to be exposed to and learn new teaching methods and procedures. The best way to master teaching is to immerse ourselves in different classrooms and experience different approaches to learning! I appreciate my fellow teachers for allowing me to experience their classrooms.

Blended Learning: Literacy

I implemented the blended learning strategy in a lesson about sequencing the order of events of a story to strengthen students' summarizing skills. Using technology is an effective way in not only increasing student engagement and interest, but also being able to differentiate students based on their learning levels. The main adaptive software programs I use during the Technology station are Freckle and IXL. These adaptive software programs are efficient in student learning because they have varying topics of focus and are designed to meet students at their individual levels. Attached is a blended learning lesson plan with an emphasis on sequencing the order of events of a story.

Literacy Lesson Using Blended Learning Model

Blended Learning: Math

Students constantly use computational thinking throughout math time. During Blended Learning, I dedicate at least one station to intentionally using computational thinking. In the lesson attached, there is evidence of students using their background knowledge of the relationship between arrays and multiplication in order to extend their thinking by creating corresponding word problems.

Math Lesson Using Blended Learning Model

Blended Learning: Inquiry and Storytelling

My students are truly captivated when storytelling and investigating open-ended questions. Recently we have been reading and learning about different genres of folktales. We have read at least 2 of each genre of folktale: tall tales, fairytales, legends, myths, fables and trickster tales. My students have enjoyed reading and annotating the stories. A common question while reading these folktales is "Why?" Most folktales have a lesson, moral, or some kind of theme. We spent lots of time digesting the story elements of the text as well as completing character analysis Venn diagrams. Although the authors of folktales are unknown, students enjoyed discussing the "purpose" of these stories, so much so that they were ecstatic to find out they would be creating, designing and writing their own folktale. They had to use specific elements of the chosen genre of folktale. For instance, a fairytale would have to include good versus evil, rich versus poor, royalty and magic, "once upon a time," and "long, long ago," and the setting should be in a castle or forest.

Sample rubric of folktale writing assignment

Global Citizenship

I am looking forward to continuing implementing Global Citizenship within my classroom. Teaching Global Citizenship means engaging students in projects that connect students to their community and world. We have many opportunities to be a global citizen. Picking up litter, giving, blood, recycling, and obeying laws are examples of being responsible citizens. We may also practice being a participatory citizen by engaging in collective, community-based efforts. Justice oriented citizenship includes working to solve social problems and improve society.

It is important that students, even at a young age, play a role in our community's and nation's development. My 3rd Grade class for the 2021-2022 school year has focused on taking action as a citizen. For future classes, I plan on implementing a unit based on our community's needs and how we can make our community even greater than it already is. Within this unit I will include the importance of recycling and composting, what it means to be "green," and becoming active citizens and contacting local council members about problems within our community. I hope to eventually have my students contact local congressmen and congresswomen regarding issues that our nation and world are facing, and suggesting ways we can do better. I would also like to begin collecting recyclable bottles with my class so that we can pay for a trip to our local recycling center to see what the process of recycling is like and to learn about the misuse of paper and plastic its impact on our world.

Contact information:

Name: Miss Chelsea Ouimet

Email: couimet@csdo.org

Saint Catherine of Siena School

3rd Grade Teacher