F.AVE Game Hawker Challenge

Go to each page on this website to discover game hawked books!

What is a Game Hawker?

Hunting with a trained bird of prey, such as a hawk or a falcon

What is Game Hawking at F.AVE?

In the F.AVE Media Center, we are book hunters! We are being trained how to find those fabulous books that no one else can find. Not the usual favorites, like Wings of Fire or Diary of a Wimpy Kid or ALL the graphic novels.  Those little gems like Liar and Spy or The Familiars or Seen and Unseen

We are going to be risk takers, communicators, open minded, and much more, as we select and share about our reading from the library this year! 

As we earn our game hawker badges, we will fill this website with recommendations and reflections about our experiences. Let's find our next favorite book together, shall we?

Gamehawking (1) (1).pdf