IB MYP Media Arts

The study of human communication through photography, videography, graphic arts, and website design. Creatively, students employ the elements of space, time, light, motion, color, and sound to express their perspectives, feelings, and ideas.

7th / 6th Grade Media Arts

8th Grade Media Arts

My World

Ms. Boswell

This is my 27th year in teaching middle school and I love it!

With a BA in Spanish and a Master's in Middle Grades Education, I've finally landed in the perfect position teaching creativity and life-long learning through this IB MYP Media Arts class.  

I'm also going on year four as a Yearbook Advisor, which blends my many skills in communicating, creating, and teaching leadership to inspire middle-aged human beings.

Student Portfolio Websites

Sign Up to be a part of the Yearbook Team!

The Media Arts classes will contribute to the Yearbook, but there will also be an before school club.