Home Visits

Parents are children’s first teachers. Through play, communication, and touch, parents convey love to their child as well as information about the world. During everyday interaction parents teach their children names of objects, how things work, what is safe, and myriad other lessons. These early experiences prepare a child for social-emotional development, literacy and higher level thinking.

When parents find out their child is deaf or hard of hearing, they may be unsure of what to do. Most parents want help. The early intervention system which includes regular home visits for families with Deaf/HH children birth to three is designed to do just that. National Association of the Deaf

2013 Supplement to the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing 2007 Position Statement

Goal 3: All Children Who Are D/HH From Birth to 3 Years of Age and Their Families Have EI Providers Who Have the Professional Qualifications and Core Knowledge and Skills to Optimize the Child’s Development and Child/Family Well-being

Clerc Center Activity Guide for Professionals: Setting Language in Motion

There are seven modules, each ranging from 12 to 20 minutes. You can view all the modules in their entirety or search a module by the topics covered.

You must click through the redirect page to get to the modules.

Website created by the Curriculum, Outreach, Resources and Education Team (CORE)

Special thanks to Michele Tompkins

For more information, email earlystart@csdeagles.net