Ms. Murdoch

4th and 5th Grade Extended Support

Manning Elementary School

About Our Class!

Our class will include 4th and 5th grade students for extended support. Mrs. Quattlebaum will be our instructional assistant. She has seven years of experience in this classroom, and she is wonderful! We still study English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

About Ms. Murdoch

I am a first-year teacher, so I can’t wait to meet my first batch of students! I was born and raised in this town, and I graduated from Manning High School. Because of this, I’m very familiar with the area and people from around here. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Special Education from Lander University in Greenwood, SC, so I’m thrilled to be back home!

Google Classroom

To access our class' Google Classroom, use this code to sign in: ukfdy5d

To access our Google Meet, use this link to join our session: