LTG Assessment Tools

Summary of teacher survey responses Phase 1:

Ten lead teachers across the three public schools participating responded to the survey.  The teacher respondents were all from a mix of elementary school grades with two serving special needs students. 

 Survey results revealed that currently 20% of teachers incorporate project- based learning in their classroom almost every day. In addition, 30% of teachers responded that they are now using cloud-based tools such as Google, Padlet, and digital media tools such as Pixton and Book creator every day in their classrooms. 40% reported that they are using digital media tools once a week with their students. Over 60% of the teachers reported that they were very comfortable using these tools by the end of year 1.

When asked what impact you have observed LTG to have on students, 100% of teachers reported that use of the new LTG tools increased student motivation for learning, ability for students to collaborate, increased student rate of participation and increased student engagement by 100%.

70% of the teachers reported that the training this year to a large extent was engaging, relevant to their work, increased their ability to integrate technology and positively impacted classroom instruction for their students. 70% of the teachers reported that they were enthusiastic to very enthusiastic about the training they had received.

When asked what was their biggest ‘Glow’ in their participation in the project this year some teachers commented:

“Being able to actually implement the project ideas! Remote was very difficult!”


“The ability to integrate multiple clusters of subjects, teachers and modalities.”