It has always been said that the future of any community is built through the education of each new generation. In San Cayetano School, we have it very clear that the ¨Future is in our hands¨. It is not just any phrase nor a show of grandeur, it is based on reality, all of us who form the educational community, year after year, the future of our 1740 pupils is in our hands, the Parents, the teachers and the Executive Committee together.

For more than fifty years, our School, with a Christian promise through the Teatina Order has been serving the Majorcan community, with a calling to educate, taking into consideration that primarily the teachers are the parents; this is their choice and responsibility. Without exception the school works with this promise, specifically defined through our mission:- Man has a transcendent dimension and for this a full education should include the teaching of beliefs, Christian beliefs in life. Our aims are educating the whole person and transmitting a coherent set of human values taught under parameters of maximum respect for people, ideas and the material things that surround us.

This webpage that you´re looking at shows the effort of all our professionals for their daily innovation and constant dedication to this Mission, the work of the pupils for building on these efforts ( and the responsibility) of the new future. In conclusion, the life of a living school.

From the outset, our school has been committed to quality education with a special emphasis on the linguistic area. The result of this effort is the new academic offer in English which affects the Baccalaureate and which will progressively become more important. As well as the early start in a second foreign language which we are already developing in the 5th and 6th years of Primary Education. Likewise, as a result of this search for quality, we have introduced in our Baccalaureate Curriculum the subject of Research Projects, which ends with the completion and public exhibition of the project chosen by the students themselves.

We are also committed, within the training of our students, to volunteering, with the creation two years ago of the San Cayetano Volunteers Association, which seeks to raise awareness of the need to dedicate a little of our time to those most in need and to commit ourselves to improving our Mallorcan society by collaborating with numerous associations and institutions, both public and private, to achieve this objective.

I invite you to take a look at our web site with the certainty that you will find in it a living present and a future full of hope.

Kind Regards,

Pablo Guerrero Pacheco, C.R.
