Reading and Research in Computational Biology
General Information
Instructors: Su-In Lee, Sara Mostafavi, Sheng Wang, Georg Seelig, and Bill Noble
Time: Tuesdays, 1-2pm (first meeting is on 10/3)
Location: Paul Allen Center (CSE1) 305
Credit: 1-3 Variable
Grading: Credit/No Credit. Talk to the instructors if you are unsure of our expectations.
Email list: Course-related announcements:
CSE 590C is a weekly seminar on Readings and Research in Computational Biology, open to all graduate students in computational, biological, and mathematical sciences.
The August issue of Nature Methods "Focus on Advanced AI in Biology"
Winter 2024, "Generative Models in Biomedicine"
Fall 2023, theme driver - Su-In Lee "Foundation Models in Biomedicine"
Spring 2023, research presenetations
Winter 2023, theme drivers - Ethan Weinberger (Lee Lab), Xinming Tu (Mostafavi Lab)
Single-cell data science, with discussions on state-of-the-art machine learning/statistical techniques for analyzing single-cell datasets, including recent advancements in multi-modal and spatial dataset analysis.
Fall 2022, theme driver - Prof. Sara Mostafavi
Sequence-to-function models and approaches (Seq2Func) for learning regulatory syntax and networks across cells and tissue types. Models applicable to single-modality and multi-modality learning from single-cell data also fall within this theme.