Basic info

  • Quarter: Winter 2023

  • Instructor: Maya Cakmak

  • Teaching assistant: Ardi Madadi

  • Class time: Once a week on Tuesdays 11:30-12:20 (50 minutes)

  • Class location: CSE2 (Gates Center) 371

  • Number of credits: 1 (CR/NC)

  • Office hours:

    • TBD

Course objectives

The goal of this course is to support undergraduate students who are getting started in CSE research. The course builds on CSE 390 R - Introduction to Research in CSE, continuing to practice basic research skills in the context of an actual undergrad research project while building community.

Course Structure

This one credit course involves an 50 minute class on Tuesdays. The class time will be used for a mix of information sharing, discussions, Q&A, and class exercises. There are no required assignments, but students will have the opportunity to receive feedback on things related to their research (e.g., an essay for REU applications, a poster about the reseach project, etcetera).


This is a CR/NC class. All students who sufficiently participate in the class will receive a "CR" grade. The main way to participate is to attend the class, but there will be other ways as well.

Weekly plan

Please see the course calendar for an up-to-date week-by-week plan of topics.


Day-to-day announcements about this class will be sent through Ed discussion boards. Students who have questions about the course content or logistics that might be relevant to the rest of the class are encouraged to post their questions on the Ed Discussion boards. Any other questions can be sent to the instructor and TA via email. Be sure to include the course number ("CSE 492 R") in the subject line when you email.

Sick Policy

Students should stay home if they have any symptoms of possible illness, even if mild. We will enable students to complete all modules without having to attend class. The instructor might change a lecture to be online if a large number of students cannot attend or if she has any symptoms herself. Read more about COVID-19 safety here (TBA).

Academic Integrity

We follow the Allen School’s policy for academic integrity and misconduct.


We welcome students from all backgrounds and adhere to the Allen School’s Inclusiveness Statement. If anything related to the course makes you feel unwelcome in any way, let the instructor know.

We are eager to provide any necessary accommodations.

For disability accommodations, please see the UW resources at

For religious accommodations, please see the UW resources at