Robot Calendar

Robot Sharing Etiquette

We ask all teams to use the robot calendar below to reserve time to work on the robot. Please reserve blocks of at most 1h30m per day to ensure all teams get a chance to work on the robot. To get the best use of your robot time, we recommend testing and debugging your code with the simulator or with pre-recorded sensor data first. Email the instructor if you do not have access to the calendar or you prefer to have access on a different email account.

For sharing the robot during lab/class times (Tue/Thu 11:30-12:50) please use the physical token (Green Willow Garage Turtle) to claim your turn on the robot. Please make sure you are not commanding the robot if you do not have the token. Please write your team name and the time at which you took the token on the "Robot Sharing Queue" on the white board, and limit the time you have the token to 15 minutes. If the robot is in use when you are ready to use it, add your team name to the queue on the whiteboard. Don't forget to update the queue, by adding the start time next to your team name, when you get your turn.