CSE428: Deliverables and Evaluation

Deliverables summary:

  • 8 x weekly updates (5% each)

    • Each update is a paragraph long summary of progress so far and plan for next week.

  • Mid-quarter report, presentation, and individual reflection statement (10% + 10% + 5%)

  • Final report, presentation, and individual reflection statement (15% + 10% + 5%)

  • Class participation 5%

Due dates (midnight PT of the due date):

  • Thursday April 14, weekly update 1. (5%)

  • Thursday April 21, weekly update 2. (5%)

  • Thursday April 28, weekly update 3. (5%)

  • Thursday May 5, weekly update 4. (5%)

  • Tuesday May 10th, mid-quarter progress report (written) (rubric available here). (10%)

  • Tuesday May 10th, mid-quarter project reflection (written) (rubric available here). (5%)

  • Thursday May 12, weekly update 5. (5%)

  • Thursday May 12, mid-quarter project presentation (rubric available here). (10%)

  • Thursday May 19, weekly update 6. (5%)

  • Thursday May 26, weekly update 7. (5%)

  • Thursday June 2, weekly update 8. (5%)

  • Week of June 6: