Introduction to Data Management

In this course, we will introduce the basics of modern data management. You will learn about schema design, data modeling, query languages, building database applications, transactions, and many other topics. Through lectures, sections, and assignments, you will learn about and understand how real-world data management systems work, and how they touch upon many aspects of our daily lives.

If you have any questions or comments about lecture, sections, assignments, exams, or whatever, post on the message board. This is the fastest way to get in contact with the 414 staff and your peers. You can post privately to just the staff and anonymously to the whole class if you want to. If you need to talk about anything personal or offline, see us during office hours or email the instructor (maas @ cs) to set up a meeting. And we love feedback! If you have any concerns, comments, or suggestions let us know through this anonymous tool.

For additional details about the class, please refer to the syllabus.

CSE 414 Staff

cse414-staff @ cs

Ryan Maas (instructor)

maas @ cs

OH: Tue 9:30-10:30, Allen 358

Shana Hutchison

shutchis @ cs

OH: Thursday 4:30-5:30, Gates 150

Matthew Liu

liux44 @ cs

OH: Monday 1:30-2:30, Gates 150

Anne Pham

annep7 @ cs

OH: Friday 2:30-3:30, Gates 151

Ben Shmidt

bshmidt @ cs

OH: Wednesday 12:30-1:30, Allen 021

Ying Wang

wangy288 @ cs

OH: Monday 10:30-11:30, Gates 151

Cong Yan

congy @ cs

OH: Tuesday 10:30-11:30, Gates 150


(Lecture) MWF, 3:30-4:20, SIG 134

(Section AA) Th, 12:30-1:20, ARC 160

(Section AB) Th, 1:30-2:20, ARC 160

(Section AC) Th, 2:30-3:20, LOW 105

(Section AD) Th, 3:30-4:20, MGH 228

Lecture Resources:

Sections Resources:


Homework (dates TBD)


There will be a midterm (October 30th in class) and a final (December 12th 2:30-4:20) for this course. You may have handwritten notes for both exams. For the midterm you will be allowed 1 sheet of notes (front and back). For the final you will be allowed 2 sheets of notes (front and back).

Midterm exam resources

Final exam resources