Seating Chart

The Plan

Everyone is in one of thirteen groups.   An email sent to your email at the beginning of the quarter gives your group.  The purpose of groups is to give you a smaller, well, group of students to get to know better and two assigned TAs who can be mentors for your group.  

To make this work well, and to enable TAs to track attendance and participation, we will have you sit with your group in the seminar each week.  To achieve that, each week we assign each group half of two rows in the room.  But where your group sits will change each week.  That way, nobody is always in the front or in the back. We will post where each group needs to sit here each week and send it out via a weekly announcement.

If this seating plan is a hardship for you, please contact the instructor so we can make an alternate arrangement.  We do apologize that it is imperfect for students with disabilities and for left-handed vs. right-handed desks.  We will find an accommodation that works for you.

Week 10 - December 4