
We will read and discuss 5 papers this quarter. Several of the readings are relatively non-technical; they're intended to foster discussion and get us thinking about the "big picture" for software reliability and verification.

Please submit reading reflections via the 505 Gradesope. See the 505 Overview section on readings for more information on how to write reflections as well as grading and discussion details.

Reading 1 : Reflections on Trusting Trust

Paper: Reflections on Trusting Trust - Ken Thompson - 1984

Reflection Due: April 2 by 5pm PT

When we try to reason about and guarantee the reliability of a computer system, we must start by assuming the reliability of at least some basic components. These components are generally known at the Trusted Computing Base (TCB). If any component in our TCB is not reliable, then any of our guarantees may be arbitrarily violated. In his brief 1984 Turing Award acceptance speech, Ken Thompson vividly illustrates how trusting the TCB may involve a long chain of assumptions. This chain of trust can go back many years through many versions of basic components whose reliability we typically take for granted, e.g., the compiler. This raises interesting questions like: Is there such a thing as an undetectable backdoor? (Note: Some of the figure labels in this transcript are incorrect.)

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Reading 2 : Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs

Paper: Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs - DeMillo, Lipton, Perlis - 1979

Reflection Due: April 16 by 5pm PT

Is proving the correctness of a program the same as proving a mathematical theorem? Why do we even believe in the correctness of proofs? In this classic paper, DeMillo et al. argue that formal verification of programs is NOT like mathematics at all and that the very notion of proving programs is a sort of category error. The authors go on to argue that, even if we could formally verify programs, the nature of software engineering means that verification will never be an effective technique in practice. (Note: this paper unfortunately exhibits some problematic gender norms.)

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Reading 3 : Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services

Paper: Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services - Newcombe, Rath, Zhang, Munteanu, Brooker, Deardeuff - 2014 (CACM version)

Reflection Due: April 30 by 5pm PT

Testing is a critical, highly effective technique for improving software reliability. However, it requires engineers to come up with tests that exercise all the tricky corner cases of a system. This requirement makes testing highly concurrent, fault-tolerant programs like distributed systems very difficult: messages can be dropped, duplicated, or delivered out of order and nodes in the system may crash and/or reboot at any time. In this paper, Newcombe et al. describe how using the TLA+ model checker helped design correct, efficient distributed within the Amazon Web Services group. Additionally, they discuss the important social aspects of convincing already-oversubscribed colleagues to adopt a formal methods approach.

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Reading 4 : BP: Formal Proofs, the Fine Print, and Side Effects

Paper: BP: Formal Proofs, the Fine Print, and Side Effects - Murray, Oorschot - 2018

Reflection Due: May 14 by 5pm PT

When we try to formally verify systems, we often slightly (or significantly) tweak them in order to facilitate proving their correctness. But what does that really mean? Did we still truly "verify the system" if we had to change it to get a proof to go through? Are there different kinds of changes that have different consequences? In this thought-provoking paper, Murray and Oorschot raise such big questions and explore some of the consequences of their potential answers.

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  • Techniques for Program Verification - Greg Nelson - 1981

    • In the first two sections of Chapter 1 from his PhD thesis, Greg Nelson discusses software verification broadly and specifically focuses on how users should interpret the results when their prover says "Verified"; his conclusion is that we should change these messages to "Sorry, can't find any more errors!" đŸ˜„

    • Nelson's thesis also formed the basis for all modern SMT solvers used in automated theorem proving and synthesis. His work on the Denali system also laid the foundation for equality saturation, which has lead to recent breakthroughs in tools like egg.

Reading 5 : Finding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers

Paper: Finding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers - Yang, Chen, Eide, Regehr - 2011

Reflection Due: May 28 by 5pm PT

We often reason about programs at the "source level", but of course machines do not directly run programs in higher-level languages. Instead we trust the compiler to correctly translate our programs down to assembly. But are mainstream compilers correct? How could we empirically evaluate compiler correctness? In this groundbreaking paper, Yan et al. demonstrate how differential fuzzing can be applied to uncover thousands of bugs in mainstream C compilers. They even test CompCert C compiler which is formally verified in Coq... the results may surprise you!

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