

Please complete Homework 1, paper reviews, and the final exam individually. All other homework assignments should be completed with a partner. You are strongly encouraged to discuss readings with other students while completing paper reviews, but your review should be your own.

Homework Submission

All homework assignments are due by 5pm on the associated dates posted on the Homework page.

Please submit your homeworks using the package.sh script (included in the homework skeleton) and the CSE 505 18au GradeScope page. For Homework 2 onward, one student from each partnered pair should submit the homework. ALWAYS include a comment at the top of the file clearly indicating both partners.

You can use up to two late days for each assignment. Weekend days count as late days. No credit will be granted after two late days.

Paper Review Submission

All paper reviews are due by 5pm on the associated dates posted on the Reading page. Please submit your individual reviews on the CSE 505 18au GradeScope page. No late submissions for paper reviews will be accepted.

Academic Integrity

Please carefully review the UW Academic Misconduct Process which provides the following policy:

Course Policy on Academic Misconduct

Engineering is a profession demanding a high level of personal honesty, integrity and responsibility. Therefore, it is essential that engineering students, in fulfillment of their academic requirements and in preparation to enter the engineering profession, shall adhere to the University of Washington’s Student Code of Conduct.

Any student in this course suspected of academic misconduct (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, or falsification) will be reported to the College of Engineering Dean’s Office and the University’s Office of Community Standards and Student conduct. (See CoE website for more detailed explanation of the academic misconduct adjudication process). Any student found to have committed academic misconduct will receive a 0-grade on impacted academic work (e.g., assignments, project, or exams).