Description: In this course, we will introduce the basics of modern data management. You will learn about schema design, data modeling, query languages, building database applications, transactions, and many other topics. Through lectures, sections, and assignments, you will learn about and understand how real-world data management systems work, and how they touch upon many aspects of our daily lives.

Questions and Comments: If you have any questions or comments about lecture, sections, assignments, exams, or whatever, post on the discussion board. This is the fastest way to get in contact with the 414 staff and your peers. If you need to talk about anything personal or offline, see us during office hours or email the instructor (maas @ cs) to set up a meeting. And we love feedback! If you have any concerns, comments, or suggestions let us know through this anonymous feedback tool.

For additional details about the class, please refer to the syllabus.

CSE 414 Staff


Course Message Board

Ryan Maas (instructor)

Abhishek Shah

He/him pronouns, ars56@cs

OH: Thursdays 4:30 - 5:30 PM @ Allen Center 218

Steve Ma

Stephanie Zhang

She/her pronouns, szhang79@cs

OH: Thursdays 2-3PM @Allen School 3rd Floor Breakout

Prati Dhamija

He/him pronouns, prati13@cs

OH: Monday 4:30-5:30PM @ Allen School 4th Floor Breakout (CSE1)

Eden Chmielewski

She/her pronouns, edenski@cs

OH: Wednesday 12:25PM - 1:25PM @ Allen Center 4th Floor Breakout

Aaditya Srivathsan

He/him pronouns, aadits@cs

OH: Friday 2PM-3PM @ Allen Center(CSE1) 5th Floor Breakout

Aadi Jain

Gibbs Geng

He/Him pronouns, zg44@cs

OH: Monday 12:30pm - 1:30pm (Virtual)

Nishtha Agarwal

She/her pronouns, nishtha1@uw

OH: Tuesday 12pm-1pm @ Allen School, 5th Floor Breakout (Hybrid)

Ethan Sylvia

He/They pronouns, ethans24@cs

OH: Friday 12:30pm-1:30pm Friday @ Allen Center 4th Room Breakout (CSE1)

Alexander Hughes

He/Him pronouns, alexh132@cs

OH: Wednesday 4:30pm-5:30pm (Virtual)

Lakshay Sahni

He/Him pronouns, sahnil@cs

OH: Wednesday 6pm - 7pm (Virtual)

Shivam Drishti Bhatia

He/Him pronouns, bhatias@cs

OH: Tuesday 2pm - 3pm (Virtual)

Shourya Srivastava


See Canvas (under Panopto tab) for lecture & section recordings.




Week 1

Wednesday, September 29

Introduction (slides)


Friday, October 1

SQL Basics (slides, demo)

6.1 - 6.2

Week 2

Monday, October 4

SQL Joins (slides , demo_setup, solutions)

6.1 - 6.2

Wednesday, October 6

SQL Aggregates (slides)


Friday, October 8

SQL Joins and Aggregates (slides)


Week 3

Monday, October 11

SQL Subqueries (slides)


Wednesday, October 13

SQL Subqueries cont. (slides

seattle_pet_names, data, sql)


Friday, October 15

Relational Algebra (slides)

5.2, 5.4

Week 4

Monday, October 18

Database Design - ER Diagrams (slides)


Wednesday, October 20

Database Design (FDs) (slides)

2.2, 2.3

Friday, October 22

Database Design - FDs continued

Week 5

Monday, October 25

Database Design - BCNF Decomp. (slides)

3.4, 3.5

Wednesday, October 27

Practical Data Management (slides)

Friday, October 29

Transactions - Schedules (slides)

18.1, 18.2

Week 6

Monday, November 1

Transactions - Schedules (cont)

18.1, 18.2

Wednesday, November 3

Transactions - Locking (slides)


Friday, November 5

Midterm (on Gradescope or in class)

Week 7

Monday, November 8

Transactions - Isolation Levels (slides)


Wednesday, November 10

Query Cost Estimation (slides)

8.3-4, 14.1-7

Friday, November 12

Tuning and Indexing (slides)

8.3-4, 14.1-7

Week 8

Monday, November 15

Parallel Databases - Intro (slides)


Wednesday, November 17

Parallel Databases (cont.)

20.1, 20.2

Friday, November 19

Application Programming (slides)

Week 9

Monday, November 22

Parallel Databases - Map-Reduce and Spark (slides)

Wednesday, November 24

Holiday (No class)

Friday, November 26

Holiday (No class)

Week 10

Monday, November 29

NoSQL - Semi-structured Data (slides)

Wednesday, December 1

NoSQL - SQL++ (slides)

Friday, December 3

NoSQL - Nesting/Unnesting (slides)

Week 11

Monday, December 6

BlinkDB (slides)

Wednesday, December 8

Streaming Databases (slides)

Friday, December 10

Course Wrap-up (slides)


Time slots

Lecture A/B (3:30-4:30PM)

  • 8:30 - 9:20 AG/CA: Shourya Srivastava

  • 11:30 - 12:20 AE/BE: Eden Chmielewski & Aaditya Srivathsan

  • 12:30 - 1:20 AA/BA: Ethan Sylvia

  • 1:30 - 2:20 AB/BB: Lakshay Sahni & Nishtha Agarwal

  • 2:30 - 3:20 AC/BC: Abhishek Shah

  • 3:30 - 4:20 AD/BD: Steve Ma

Lecture C (12:30-1:30PM)

  • 9:30 - 10:20 CB: Shivam Bhatia & Alexander Hughes

  • 11:30 - 12:20 CC: Aadi Jain & Stephanie Zhang

  • 12:30 - 1:20 CD: Prati Dhamija & Aaditya Desai @ WFS 201

  • 4:30 - 5:20 PM Online: Gibbs Geng (link)


Section 1, 09/30/21: Slides; Compilation of demo queries; Recording

Section 2, 10/7/21: Slides; Worksheet; Solution; Recording;

Section 3, 10/14/21: Slides; Worksheet; Solution; Recording;

Section 4, 10/21/21: Slides; Worksheet; Solution; Recording;

Section 5, 10/28/21: Slides; Worksheet; Solution (without RA Q2), Solution RA Q2; Recording;

Section 6, 11/4/21: Slides; Worksheet; Solution; Recording;

Section 7, 12/2/21: Slides; Worksheet; Solution; Recording;



There will be a midterm and a final for this course. Both exams will be offered on Gradescope and can be taken at home . This midterm will look similar to a traditional CSE 414 midterm exam, but you will not be graded on the accuracy of your answers for the first submission. Instead, after you take the exam you will be asked to compare your responses to a published key, annotate your answers to indicate areas you made mistakes, and submit your corrected version. When taking the midterm the first time, you are allowed one page of handwritten notes (front and back.)

Midterm exam - Friday Nov. 5 (in-class or at home on Gradescope). Revision due Monday Nov. 15

Lecture A/B:

Lecture C:

Final exam - Finals week (Opens on Gradescope Dec 12th midnight, closes on Dec 16th 11:00pm)

  • Will cover all topics but extra emphasis on materials from lecture and section in the later half of the course.

  • No programming in SQL++ required, just conceptual questions on semi-structured data and JSON

  • Most similar to 414au2018 (sample solutions)

  • Links to final on gradescope:

Lecture A/B:

Lecture C:

Other Resources


Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition) <errata>

The library has the following that you might find useful if you require another explanation of a topic.

  • Fundamentals of database systems by Elsmasri and Navathe

  • Database management systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke

  • Foundations of database systems by Abiteboul, Hull and Vianu

Past Lecture Recordings (for UW students)

Look at the course webpage for a schedule of what topic was taught when.

Related Groups

Down the Rabbit Hole