Paper Critiques


You will need to submit 5 paper critiques from the following 7 papers from the schedule: [2], [5], [16], [21], [24], [27], [38]. You can select, which 5 papers to submit a critique for. Paper critiques will be due by 9:00 AM on the day of the class. You should upload the submissions through the "Assignments" section on Canvas.

Paper Critiques

Each paper will be evaluated along the following axes: (1) the selected research problem, (2) the technical novelty of the proposed approach, and (3) the empirical results. For some tips on how to read a research paper, check the following document by Philip Fong. Your critiques should concisely cover the following points: 

Question & Answer Prompts for a Detailed Paper Discussion

As part of your paper critique, you will also submit a paper discussion question and your answer to that question. We will be using your submitted discussion questions for detailed in-class paper discussions.

Below, I provided a list of general questions that could be useful for coming up with your own paper-specific discussion questions. Note that the questions below are not meant to be used directly in the paper discussions, i.e., they lack specific details that would make for a good paper discussion.

Additionally, here are some broader questions that could lead to a good discussion if your answer to these questions provides a perspective that is unique/sufficiently different from that of the majority of the students. ​​

You should also provide an answer to your formulated question. Your answer should clearly state (1) your position on the question and (2) your arguments to justify that position. If I observe that you are not putting much effort into your discussion questions/answers, I will call on you to answer other students' questions. 

LaTeX Template

To generate your paper critiques, please use the following LaTeX template. Don't forget to compile the tex file into a PDF and submit the PDF in your final submission on Canvas.