Deep Learning


When: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 am-12:15 pm ET
Where:  SN 011 (Sitterson Hall)

TA Office hours:  TBA
Instructor Office hours: 12:15 -1:15 Thu (email for appt)

Sign up on the course Piazza here.


Shashank Srivastava 

Course TA

Course Information

Deep Learning (the field of training neural networks) has transformed the landscape of AI in the last decade, and driven successful advances in numerous domains including language technologies, computer vision, and many others. This course provides an in-depth introduction to deep learning. It covers fundamental concepts and state-of-the-art methodologies in building and optimizing neural networks, emphasizing hands-on experience with different model architectures and training mechanisms. The course begins with a review of linear models, and then describes feedforward neural nets, CNNs, RNNs and Transformer-based Architectures. The course ends with an overview of some other generative AI methods, and a discussion of ethical considerations in deep learning systems. A tentative list of topics follows.


The course will presume a functional understanding of Machine Learning and Linear algebra. The assignments and project will have substantial programming components.

Class Schedule (tentative)

COMP664, F24 Class-Schedule


The class grade will have these components: