2020 Fall

of CSE 645: Seminar in Languages (Fall 2020)!

General Information

Course description: We will read papers and discuss research ranging from high-level specifications (such as logic, rules, and sets) to algorithms and methods for efficient implementations, with a wide range of applications.

Everyone is welcome.  If you are enrolled in the class, you are expected to attend a majority of the meetings and present a paper. 

Hours: Thursdays, 11:30AM-12:50PM, on Google Meet https://meet.google.com/frd-aiqs-rkc

Instructors: Annie Liu, CR Ramakrishnan, Michael Kifer, David Warren, and Paul Fodor (contact: paul.fodor@stonybrook.edu).

Previous semesters: see the list on the left


8/27/2020 Organizational meeting.

9/3/2020 Yuheng will present: "SQuARE: Semantics-based Question Answering and Reasoning Engine", Kinjal Basu, Sarat Chandra Varanasi, Farhad Shakerin and Gopal Gupta. Technical Communication. ICLP 2020.

9/10/2020 Annie will present: Recursive Rules with Aggregation: A Simple Unified Semantics (An Extended Abstract is to appear in Technical Communications of ICLP 2020)

9/17/2020 Tony, Refactoring Computational Mathematics with New Logic, Data-Structures, and Learning .

9/24/2020 Niko will present "White-box Induction From SVM Models" by Farhad Shakerin and Gopal Gupta. ICLP 2020.

10/1/2020 Stan  will present: "Improved Geometric Path Enumeration for Verifying ReLU Neural Networks", S. Bak, H.D Tran, K. Hobbs and T. T. Johnson, 32nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV 2020): http://stanleybak.com/papers/bak2020cav.pdf

10/8/2020 We study and discuss Luc De Raedt ICLP 2020 invited talk: "From Probabilistic Logics to Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence". https://iclp2020.unical.it/invited-speakers#h.p_XjBnJVahS-L9

Video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=257713692111099&extid=jhdBMXynFyWaVQrv

10/15/2020 Joydeep will present "SeMA: Extending and Analyzing Storyboards to Develop Secure Android Apps". Joydeep Mitra, Venkatesh-Prasad Ranganath, Torben Amtoft, Michael Higgins. https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.10052

10/22/2020 Venkata will present: Does BERT Solve Commonsense Task via Commonsense Knowledge?, Leyang Cui , Sijie Cheng , Yu Wu, Yue Zhang. 2020. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.03945.pdf

10/29/2020 Aaryaman will present:" DeepCEP: Deep Complex Event Processing Using Distributed Multimodal Information" by Tianwei Xing, Marc Roig Vilamala, Luis Garcia, Federico Cerutti, Lance Kaplan, Alun Preece, and Mani Srivastava, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP). https://dais-ita.org/sites/default/files/3113.pdf

11/5/2020  Yi will present: "Modelling Multi-Agent Epistemic Planning in ASP", Alessandro Burigana, Francesco Fabiano, Agostino Dovier and Enrico Pontelli. ICLP 2020.  https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.03007.pdf

11/12/2020  Annie will present: Assurance of Distributed Algorithms and Systems: Runtime Checking of Safety and Liveness, https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.09735 (slides, with a demo in video, code)

11/19/2020  Andrew will present: "Tabling Optimization for Contextual Abduction", Ridhwan Dewoprabowo and Ari Saptawijaya. Technical Communication. ICLP 2020.


11/26/2020  Thanksgiving break

12/3/2020 CR will talk about optimizations for quantum circuits.


Below are some possible papers to discuss:

Benjamin Bichsel, Maximilian Baader, Timon Gehr, Martin Vechev. "Silq: A High-Level Quantum Language with Safe Uncomputation and Intuitive Semantics". PLDI 2020. https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3385412.3386007