CSE-643: Cyber-Physical Systems & Verification Seminar (Fall 2021)

Welcome to the Fall 2021 Cyber-Physical Systems & Verification Seminar!

Time: Thursdays 3pm-4pm.

Location: New Computer Science 220.

Faculty: Stanley Bak, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Erez Zadok

Policies: Students will be expected to attend class, participate actively in the discussions, and present a paper related to CPS and verification. Each class will feature a guest speaker or a student paper presentation (about 30 minutes) followed by a discussion. Each student will be expected to present a paper and prepare a two-page review of the paper ahead of time. A list of suggested papers is provided below; it will be updated throughout the semester. If you would like to present a paper not on the list, please discuss it with the faculty organizers for approval.

Each student should attend the seminar either in person or on Zoom. In order to receive credit, students should not miss more than three classes. Active participation and attendance will be an important part of a student's grade.

When presenting a paper, each student should also write a two-page review following the template here. The review should be attached to a post in a discussion forum on Blackboard before class starts. The first five minutes of class will consist of everyone reading this review. This is not intended to be a summary of the paper, but more like a paper review.

Note: in Solar, the topic of CSE-643 is "Concurrency". However, this class will actually cover cyber-physical systems and verification, as the title above indicates.