Kumadai Hub

About Us

Kumadai-Hub is a voluntary organization of volunteer "self-proclaimed" young researchers and students at Kumamoto University that has been going on since December 2019.

We use the term "self-proclaimed" because the definition of "young" is ambiguous, so our members gather as "people who have a fresh mind".

It was started by the free will of researchers and people from various professions involved in research, and has grown to about 140 members (as of May 2023) over the past few years or so.

The purpose of this gathering is to create a place for free exchange regardless of campus or field.

Although there is a possibility that "fusion of different fields" and "joint research" may emerge in the future, we continue our activities with the appeal that we do not set this as our primary objective.

We will contribute to achieving the SDGs!

Learn about research activities in various fields

Interaction among researchers and with companies to foster the seeds of discovery and technology through mutual stimulation and joint research

To provide a place for human networking with the aim of energizing Kumamoto and Japan

Main Activities

Daily Communication

We have a slack for talking, asking for help, or sometimes just inviting for lunch together.

Exchange Meetings

We have meetings every three months for exchange and discussions.

Public Event

Once or twice a year, we plan and implement an event that is open to a variety of people from inside and outside the university.

Twitter Account

We post about different things in our official twitter account. Follow us!

Kumadai-Hub Member

Hitoshi Takizawa - IRCMS

Aiko Sada - IRCMS

Israel Mendonça- FAST

Yoshihumi Sato - FLS

Saori Nishikawa - FHSS

Yuichiro Arima - IRCMS

Takushi Nomura - RCHRI

Toshiro Moroishi - FLS

Asako Shindo - IMEG

Toru Takeo - IRDA

Jun Hatakeyama - IMEG

Takeshi Chujo-FLS

Takao Tsumuraya-MRC

Kahoko Umeda-HAE

Hari Prasad Devkota - HAE

Yusuke Ono - IMEG

Guojun Sheng- IRCMS

Kyoko Miura - FLS

Toshiyasu Hidaka - FHSS

Takatsugu Ishimoto - IRCMS

Takeshi Masuda - FLS

Makiko Kobayashi - FAST

Takumi Higaki - FAST

Yuta Nakashima - FAST

Daisuke Kurotaki - IRCMS

Shunko Inada - FAST


Yuki Kondo-FLS

Yukio Okada - FHSS

Hidenobu Mizuno - IRCMS

Hiroshi Okajima - FAST

Go Kotaki - FAST

Hiroaki Okae - IMEG




Kaori Ymamoto - KUAO

Jason Sanderson - KUAO

Nazuki Doi

Nanako Watanabe

KU Students

Sommay Singthong - GSSCS

Mami Akaike - GSST



Juan Carlos Boutellier - GSSCS

Natsu Yagai - GSST

Ryusei Maeda - GSMT

Hanami Sakai - GSST

And more... Kumadai-Hub now has more than 140 members!


FLS=Faculty of Life Science, 大学院生命科学研究部

IRDA=Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, 生命資源研究・支援センター

RCHRI=Joint Research Center for Human Retrovirus Infection,ヒトレトロ学共同研究センター

IMEG=Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics,発生医学研究所

IRCMS=Internatinal Research for Medical Sciences, 国際先端医学研究機構

FAST=Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, 大学院先端科学研究部

MRC=Magnesium Research Center, 先進マグネシウム国際研究センター

FHSS=Faculty of Humanities and Social and Sciences, 大学院人文社会科学研究部

HAE=Headquarters for Admissions and Education, 大学教育統括管理運営機構

KUAO=Kumamoto University Administration Office, 熊本大学事務局

GSMS=Graduate School of Medical Sciences, 大学院医学教育部

GSST=Graduate School of Science and Technology, 大学院自然科学教育部

GSSCS=Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, 大学院社会文化科学教育部

Supporting Member

Extramural Members

We welcome all ambitious people to join us!