Getting Started

These are the steps you need to take to get started in the class. It covers topics needed to setup and utilize the development environment for this class: C programming on Linux x86_64 machines. Ideally, you can complete these steps before the start of the semester or at the latest before the second lecture. You can seek help from us and others to get your development environment setup correctly.

Step 1: Linux/Bash Tutorial from OIT

You should read through and complete the first 5 sections in this linux/bash tutorial. Note this is a generic linux tutorial and access to your containers will be slightly different. However, we assume you are familiar with all content in the above tutorial. You may want to remove/delete your virtual machine reservation after you complete this tutorial, since you won't use it again for this class.

Step 2: Course Containers

The material in this course requires specific processors and versions of linux. To ensure everyone has access to the requisite systems we are providing docker containers through OIT. We recommend using the OIT containers. However, if you are comfortable with more advanced techniques AND have an intel processor in your machine (laptop or desktop) you can build and run a container locally. Importantly, local containers do not work on an Apple M1 system, and you must use the OIT containers.

Step 3: Git repository

We will be using the Computer Science GitLab repository for all lab and project distribution. See the link below for how to setup git on your container. There is also a git tutorial from OIT, note that we will be using the CS Gitlab instance

Step 4: Visual Studio Code

We are using Microsoft Visual Studio Code for programming assignments. VSCode runs locally and can connect to a remote (or local) container for development. It may take a bit to get used to the tool, but in the long run it simplifies things. VSCode provides a nice editor interface for C programming, and allows you to open a terminal (bash shell) on the container.