Phantom Wallet - A friendly Solana wallet built for DeFi & NFTs

Software crypto wallet has covered a large section of the crypto realm. Users can pick up any of the wallets that best suits their trading and investment needs pertaining to the crypto market. However, some crypto wallets are designed to perform some specialized tasks or to interact with a particular blockchain such as Ethereum or Solana. 

So, today with this read, we are going to throw light on one of the most prominent crypto wallets in its field.

Phantom wallet was introduced to help users on the Solana ecosystem to find simple and much-improved ways of storing their funds. Through this wallet, users can better organize their funds with less complication and in no time. In addition to providing the fundamental activities relating to the crypto trade, this wallet also encourages crypto investors to earn great profits by way of staking.

Let’s get into the complete read to know more about it.

Phantom wallet: a short intro

Phantom wallet is a non-custodial crypto wallet, compatible to work with the web and in the form of a mobile app as well, offering a simple and secure path to interact with several blockchain networks on the Solana. Further, it is a decentralized web3 self-custodial wallet. The term self-custodial means that all the private keys involved in accessing the wallet are stored on the device giving absolute control to access the wallet to its holder.

The wallet is available in the form of a mobile app available for Android and iOS. When it comes to accessing the wallet via the web, users can get a supporting wallet extension installed on their devices. The web browsers supporting the working of the wallet are as namely:

·         Chrome

·         Edge

·         Brave

·         Firefox

Walk through the Solana ecosystem with these great lineaments

Phantom wallet is equipped with some of the most exceptional and appealing features that make your crypto journey more exciting and worthy. Below, we will be unveiling some of the attributes of this wallet. Have a quick check at them before your reach a conclusion:

Non-custodial: The wallet is non-custodial, which means that the sole authority to manage and access the wallet rests in the hands of the crypto investor. This feature promises that the wallet team doesn’t have any access to your data, thus ensuring the confidentiality of the user’s funds.

No compromise with Privacy: Another feature of the wallet is also associated with the user’s privacy. The wallet assures that it doesn’t track any of the user’s data i.e. their personally identifiable information, their asset balances, account addresses, and other crucial data.

Enabled biometric authentication: To meet the made promises, the wallet has permitted biometric authentication, which protects the assets without compromising with the user’s convenience.

Holds up hardware wallet: For added security and convenience, the wallet supports the hardware wallet also. You can connect your wallet with the Ledger and grab great benefits from it.

Creating  a new wallet with a browser extension

Creating a new wallet account via a mobile app is as easy as a cakewalk, and you can do it by your own without any guidance. So, in this section, we will try to learn something different from what you have learned earlier.

We will try to understand, how to get a wallet account in your name through a wallet extension and the steps involved in doing so are:

1.      Reach the official website of the Phantom wallet

2.      Click on the “Download” button in purple colour at your right-hand side of the screen

3.      Scroll down to the “Phantom For Desktop” column, and click on the Chrome icon (you can choose any of the preferred web browsers)

4.      This will get you land in the “Chrome Web Store”

5.      Hit on “Add to Chrome” and then re-confirm the same by clicking on “Add Extension”

6.      Wait for a few minutes to get the extension installed on your device

7.      Once installed, open it on your device

8.      To create a new wallet hit on the “Create New Wallet” option

9.      Now, create a wallet password and re-confirm the same by typing it again in the box provided below

10.  Mark a tick in the box before “Terms of Service” and then bang on “Continue”

11.  On the next page the “Secret Recovery Phrase” of your wallet will be displayed, note it down somewhere safely

12.  Confirm to “I Saved my Secret Recovery” and then click on “Continue”

13.  Check the  keyboard shortcuts to access the wallet and then tap on “Continue”

14.  Follow the further prompts to complete the process

All done!! Make sure not to share any of the sensitive information relating to your wallet with anyone. A slight mistake and you’ll have to pay off a lot.

Resume your crypto trade with Phantom Wallet

After registering an account in your name, now it's time to embark on your trading activities through this wallet. To commence the trading activities one has to perform the essential steps to get into his account. So, the footprints to log in to the wallet are:

1.      Open the installed wallet extension on your device

2.      Provide the asked login credentials accurately to unlock the wallet

3.      Complete the prompted actions to get into the account

Ensure that you have entered the correct login details to avoid hurdles on your way.

Is Phantom Wallet safe to store your crypto funds?

Phantom Wallet is a safe self-custodial wallet, encrypted with private keys located on your device. This signifies that the whole control to manage the wallet lies in the hand of the users (you), making it trustable among crypto investors.

Another statement to satisfy you that it is a safe wallet is that wallet’s code is independently audited by Kudelski Security (a leading software auditing firm).

Final Take

Often said a crypto wallet holds the possibility to either make or break the chain, the Phantom Wallet is designed with all the great essential components that define its sophisticated performance in the crypto market. With its intuitive interface and primed services, it facilitates ease for crypto users to focus on their crypto trade and investment leaving behind the complexity of managing the crypto funds. Overall, we can conclude that the wallet is worth it.