Worship Fundamentals

Foundational principles and practical ideas for everyone involved in musical worship, from band to tech team.

Worship Matters

Dave and Lindsay talk about the importance of worship, the role music plays in worship, and how God uses worship.

For Discussion:

  1. What stood out to you?

  2. Did anything make you think differently about worship or about using music in worship?

  3. How might this effect the way you plan or lead worship?

For further growth:

Worship with Head and Heart

What does God expect of His worshipers? Dave and Lindsay discuss what Jesus taught about true worship.

For Discussion:

  1. What stood out to you?

  2. Do you personally feel stronger in one of these two areas?

  3. Is your team stronger in one?

  4. What steps might you and your team take to grow in these two areas?

For further growth:

Being Real in Worship

Seth shares what God is teaching him about being an authentic worshiper while he leads others in worship.

For Discussion:

  1. What stood out to you?

  2. Why is it important to be both a worship leader and a lead worshiper?

  3. What does it mean that Jesus makes our worship acceptable? What difference might this make to you?

  4. What are some ways you can encourage one another to have an authentic relationship with God?

For further growth:

Leading Worship: It's More Than You Think

Dave and Lindsay examine what is involved in leading a worship band both onstage and off.

For Discussion:

  1. What stood out to you?

  2. Did anything make you think differently about your role either as a worship leader or a worship team member?

  3. As a team, what would you like to implement first from this video? What next?

Bonus video:

Rehearsal Hack Demonstration

Seth demonstrates a rehearsal hack that helps a musical set run more smoothly.

Please give us your honest constructive feedback on this discussion series.