Hello Sixth Graders,  

Wow!  I cannot believe the summer is over and the school year is beginning! How was your summer? What was your favorite highlight of summer?  Did you read any good books?  My summer has been super busy.  We spent some time at the beach with our family and friends, went to OBX for a week and I have been visiting colleges all summer long with my oldest son who will be a senior!

I am so excited for this year. It is going to be a fun year packed with so many new learning experiences and activities. Our sixth grade journey soon begins.  So be ready and prepared for an AMAZING school year.  Enjoy the rest of your summer and I can't wait for our adventurous and memorable year to begin.  I look forward to seeing you at the Meet and Greet or on the first day of school!

By the way if you are feeling nervous about 6th grade, please don't worry.  I will let you in on a little secret...so am I!  Every new year brings butterflies. The important thing is to have an open mind, bring your smiles and have a positive attitude.   WES is such a cool place to learn and we will make it the best year ever! 

Check out "Meet Mrs. Tyson" google slides and the ten things that I love video (slide 7) posted below.   It is definitely going to win an Oscar!  :)

With smiles, Mrs. Tyson

P.S. Check out the ABC's of Mrs. Tyson below.  It will give you a sneak peek about me!  Maybe if you would like, you could email me your ABC's at KTyson@crsd.org.   If you aren't feeling the ABC's, how about sharing 4 facts about yourself that you would like me to know?  If you are stuck and can't think of ideas (after all it is still summer LOL),  how about sharing the answers to the following questions?  

1. What was your favorite thing about summer?

2. What book did you read over the summer or what book would you want to start reading in September?

3. What is your favorite color?

4. What is your favorite dessert? 

If you aren't in the mood for sharing quite yet, it is totally cool!  Go and enjoy the last days of summer break! 

Meet Mrs. Tyson 2022-2023

The ABC's of Mrs. Tyson 

A - always needs her coffee in the morning. She prefers Starbucks!

B -  being a mom is her favorite thing in the world. 

C - ycling (spinning), running, and working out are her favorite hobbies. 

D - ances around the house blasting her favorite songs. 

E - ager to meet her new students. 

F - eels anxious at times.

G - oofy.

H - olds on to memories. 

I - spired by many.

J - eans, a tank top and flip flops is her ideal outfit. 

K - arma believer.

L - oves riding rollercoasters.  The Velicoaster at Universal Studies is my favorite.

M - akes mistakes.

N - eeds her sleep. 

O - ver-analyzes things.

P - izza is her downfall.

Q - uivers at the sight of snakes. 

R - unning is her passion.

S - nowboards in Vermont. 

T - hunderstorm lover.

U- nderstands everyone has bad days. 

V - ivacious.

W - ent to OBX this summer. 

X - erox copying is part of her job. 

Y - ogurt is always packed in her lunchbag. 

Z - ero desire to go bungee jump!