Welcome to 6th Grade!

Our 6th Grade Team

Ms. Kim Carduff kim.carduff@crsd.org

Mrs. Alyse Jaffe ajaffe@crsd.org

Mrs. Emma Richards emma.hess@crsd.org

Mrs. Kimberly Seabrook kseabrook@crsd.org

Mrs. Jeanine Metague (Instructional Assistant)

**Please note, depending on our schedule we may not read or respond before the end of the school day.

For emergencies or transportation changes, please email or call the office.

Other Important Contacts

RHE Main Office: 215-944-2000 Attendance: rheattendance@crsd.org

Nurse: 215-944-2009 School Counselor: arianne.anstotz@crsd.org 

Principal: jkingston@crsd.org 

Math Specialist: eprozzillo@crsd.org Literacy Specialist: egannon@crsd.org

EL Specialist: cweinstein@crsd.org Humanities: jnguyen@crsd.org