eFriday Folder
Disclaimer: Posted documents and links to web sites not under the control of the Council Rock School District (CRSD) provide additional information that may be useful or interesting and are being provided as a courtesy to our school community. CRSD assumes no responsibility for the content of the material contained at these sites nor for the accuracy of any information found there. The contents of any site or link not maintained by CRSD does not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards, or policies of CRSD, its officials, agents, or employees.
eFriday Folder Fast Facts
- Access ADA compliant brochures and flyers that include events and information of interest for the CR school community.
- eFriday Folder is updated every Friday...check back weekly for new postings.
- Submit eFriday Folder flyers or brochures to efridayfolder@crsd.org .
- Before submitting a your flyer or brochure - please review our guidelines below.