Writer of the Year Applicant:

Sonja Woerner

Five Articles Written by Sonja Woerner

Kennedy's Clubs: 

A History

March 6, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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When writing a feature on clubs that no longer exist from a school that no longer employs the adults that ran them, it can be almost impossible to collect information. Multiple hours pouring over 50-year-old yearbooks and scouring their club credits was time-consuming, so was reaching out to those found to have been a part of the clubs and actually receiving a response. The lack of available information made an interesting piece difficult to produce with accuracy and the effort that went into creating such a piece was large.

The Beginning of the End of Public Education in Iowa

November 21, 2022

Kennedy Torch Website

Click the image or link to read.

Political articles can be difficult, formulating articulate thoughts while supported by evidence even more so. The length of the article and the depth that it covers, as well as the quick turn-around time gives it an edge over other articles on the same topic. With interviews from state senators and a credible financial analysis, the article was produced quickly and considered the broad range of consequences that could come from the discussed bill.

Swimming and Diving Scores in the Preliminaries

November 12, 2022

Kennedy Torch Website

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Sports writing takes extremely quick work and an understanding of the sport being covered in a way that allows the writer to explain events to those who don't understand the sport. They require a clear and concise summary of events as well as an explanation as to what that summary means. This article was written quickly and in an understandable way, explaining the procedure of state swimming and how that applies to Kennedy athletes.

Iowa Legislation Undermines Teachers

April 26, 2022

Kennedy Torch Website

Click the image or link to read.

This article effectively connects state-wide events to the local community, utilizing the opinions of administrators within the school to convey how widespread changes can affect Kennedy as a school. The article quotes and summarizes a bill that is clear and easy to understand and thinks through the changes it could cause in several aspects.

Happiness Inc. Heads to Nashville

March 11, 2022

Kennedy Torch Website

Click the image or link to read.

Serving as both a recap of the season and a report on the upcoming national competition, this article explores the significance that COVID-19 has had on the show choir season and on the program in the past few years. It covers the topic while concisely conveying information from both the past and present.