Opinion Writer of the Year Applicant:

Jersey Bilyeu

Five Articles Written by Jersey Bilyeu

Iowa, What Are We Doing?

April 3, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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For Iowa, What Are We Doing I spent a lot of time looking into Iowa legislation and it taught me even more about Iowa's politics. I also looked into many other news sources for this article and my voice shines through on this topic I'm passionate about.

Another Attack on the LGBTQ+ Community

April 18, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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This article allowed me to once again to write about something I was really passionate about. I spent a lot of my time deciphering House Files and government regulations, then explaining these Files in my article in a way that was digestible for my readers.

The Stories That Just Won't Die

October 17, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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Research for The Stories That Just Won't Die was new for me when writting. I had never looked into movie reviews or Rotten Tomatoes for an article before and it taught me a new way to write an opinion with different kinds of statistics.

To Poop or Not to Poop: Should That Really be a Question?

November 17, 2023

Kennedy Torch Website

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This article was my first satire and it showed me an entirely new way to write journalistically. I did all the photos, ran all the statistics and created the graphs all by myself and really enjoyed myself in this article. I then ended with a strong message with something that, truthfully isn't that serious, but isn't that the fun of satire?

Desensitization of a Generation

February 10, 2024

Kennedy Torch Website

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Desensitization of a Generation is an article I have developed a strong connection with. Researching and interviewing for this article heightened my awareness of the issues and was emotionally draining due to the serious topic. I was able to use other high school news sources as a resource and my own experience with a gun threat earlier this school year to strengthen my message.