Recommended Books for Children

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Book Recommendation Categories

Self-Awareness -- Self Management -- Social Awareness -- Relationships

Decision Making

Self-Awareness Books

Self-awareness includes recognizing emotions and thoughts and their influence on behavior. This includes assessing one's own strengths and limitations.

Self-Management Books

Self-management includes regulating one's emotions, thoughts and behaviors in different situations. This includes managing stress, controlling impulses, monitoring attention, refocusing , and persevering through challenges.

Social Awareness Books

Social Awareness is taking the perspective of and empathizing with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Social awareness is trying to understand how someone else feels, what someone else thinks and including others.

Relationship Books

Relationship books help us in establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. Communicating clearly, cooperating, seeking and offering help when needed.

Responsible Decision Making Books

Responsible decision making includes sharing the work and materials fairly, consider how to make amends after causing harm, making fair decisions and making respectful choices about personal behavior.