Homework Info

Students will be given plenty of time in class to complete assignments and collaborate with peers, but should students need additional time for studying or projects, the expectation will be that they complete their work at home. Certain larger-scale projects may require extra time at home, however, students will be notified well in advance to help them plan and stay organized.

Reading is a daily expectation and alternating between French and English each night is recommended. Reading for 10 to 15 minutes in the evening is a great way to relax and unwind before bed.

Students will also have a weekly french grammar quiz or dictée (spelling test) that will be related to topics in science or social studies that they can practice at home.

If homework is taking too long, or if your child is struggling with it, please send me an email so that we may find a solution. Perhaps the work is too difficult or perhaps time-management strategies need to be addressed.