Crosthwaite C.E. Primary School – Minibus hire
Crosthwaite C.E. Primary School – Minibus hire
The school minibus is available for hire to all local community groups and individuals – subject to checks and approval from the school Governing Body. Charges are made per mile (currently £1.25 per mile), to cover diesel costs and general wear over time. There is a minimum hire charge of £50. Any queries should be made to the Head Teacher (Matthew Jessop) or School Administrator (Andrea Pickering) at the school:
The school minibus is available for hire to all local community groups and individuals – subject to checks and approval from the school Governing Body. Charges are made per mile (currently £1.25 per mile), to cover diesel costs and general wear over time. There is a minimum hire charge of £50. Any queries should be made to the Head Teacher (Matthew Jessop) or School Administrator (Andrea Pickering) at the school:
Telephone: (015395) 68471
Telephone: (015395) 68471
Though priority for use will always be given to the school children, we are extremely keen that the minibus is used to support others within the community wherever possible – please contact us if you would like to discuss possible hire!
Though priority for use will always be given to the school children, we are extremely keen that the minibus is used to support others within the community wherever possible – please contact us if you would like to discuss possible hire!