Art & Design

Whole School Art Days

Annually, we hold whole school Art days. In 2022, we had a leaf theme and each class created different designs, such as marbled leaf patterns, seed mosaics and designs inspired by William Morris.

Ethan Ivers award

At the end of each year, one pupil is presented with the Ethan Ivers award, which is in memory of Ethan Ivers, a Crossley Street pupil, who sadly passed away. The Award is presented by Mr Ivers (Ethan's dad), to a pupil who has displayed outstanding artistic talent or achievement throughout the year.

Educational Visits

Year 1 and 2 visited Yorkshire Sculpture Park, as part of their Art and D&T topic. They loved making their own sculptures. 

Young University

Young University topics often have an Art theme, such as seed mosaics and recycled crafts.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We have held extra-curricular clubs in art and crafts for pupils across school. 

50 Things to do Before Leaving Crossley Street

During their time at school, each pupil works their way through a '50 Things to do Before Leaving Crossley Street' document, which has Art links, such as create some wild art. 


As well as our regular Art lessons, we also take part in competitions, such as Leeds in Bloom and make Christmas cards for the elderly in Wetherby.