Quantanique White

Teacher Website


Quantanique White

During this school year, I hope to make it a fun and engaging learning experience for all of us. We can overcome the challenges in front of us and create some amazing magic!!! :)

Vision Statement

I only have a short amount of time to prepare my students for their journey through high school and beyond. My vision is to instill ownership of learning accountability, digital literacy, citizenship, and self-advocacy in my students as well as strong mindsets and positive behaviors that support high levels of academic achievement. I will facilitate student learning data-driven instruction, technology-based assessments, mentoring guidance, encouragement, and support while the students do the heavy lifting. Also, I will foster communication and collaboration to meet the needs of my students where they are and develop a plan to move forward. 

8th Grade: Mission Statement

Class Rules:

Classwork Policy:

Ms. White's Classroom Daily Schedule (1).pdf