Mr. Boyd's 

6th Grade 

World Cultures and Geography 


Class Overview

Students will learn the five strands of Social Studies (History, Geography, Economy, Government, and Culture) for the entire world. We will break down ten units with one for each continent and subcontinent. As we virtually travel the world together, my ultimate goal is to submerge them in other cultures and give them the opportunity to discover their own background. I want them to be proud of where they came from! 



My students represent Crosby's best and I hold them to those expectations. "We are the few, the proud, the Boydsters" 



About Me

I recently moved to the Houston area, and I am a third year teacher at Crosby Middle School. I teach 6th Grade World Cultures and Geography. I am German and my beautiful wife is from Zambia. We represent what makes the United States of America so great....diversity. My ultimate goal is to introduce my students to the rest of the world and help them discover their own identity. I truly have amazing students and it has been such a blessing to have your children in my classes. I look forward to a wonderful year and I hope your students are already loving my class!