Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences Scheduling Instructions


How do I schedule an appointment?

Parent/Guardian conferences are scheduled through your PowerSchool Parent Portal account on the Portal Website only.  The option is currently not available through the App or on a Smart Phone. Here is the link to the website Link . Parents/Guardians with more than one child in the district can schedule appointments for each child separately.   If you are unable to schedule through the Parent Portal please contact the schools offices directly to create a Portal Account.

Select the Request Interview Icon

Click on the Event Name dropdown box and select a date

 You can click on any time slot(s) marked available by your student’s teacher(s)

After selecting time slot(s) click on Submit Request(s) at the bottom of the screen.

Please enter your first and last name in the “Who is Attending” box

Click to check the confirm box

Click the Confirm Request(s) button

After clicking on the Confirm Request(s) button, you are all set!

How to Review or Delete an Appointment

Select the Review Interviews Icon

Click on the Event Name dropdown box and select the date you scheduled for 

If you need to change or delete the appointment click on Delete Appointment.  To reschedule follow “How do I schedule an appointment” from above.