Crocker R-II


Incoming NEW Families, Returning students will complete online registration, a link will be sent to your email address on file.


Due to the elementary parking lot being paved, use the circle drive (coming off of Highway 17) to park your vehicle and enter the elementary building. Use the doors closer to the elementary parking lot/baseball field area to enter the building. Enter the first office on the right side of the hallway to complete all required documents for your 1st-5th grader. Reminder to bring the following required documents to complete enrollment.


Crocker Preschool & Kindergarten Screening Opportunity will be on August 14th. There are limited spots left for 3-year-old and 4-year-old classes.  Please make an appointment by calling the office 573-736-5000 or email During this time, all required paperwork will be completed to register your student for the 23-24 school year.