
Vallée du Riberot (Ariège, France)

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In preparation or submitted

Pierre Quévreux and Franck Jabot (submitted) A general ecosystem model to predict soil functioning. (preprint)

P. Quévreux, K. Zou, S. Barot, É. Thébault, E. Rochelle-Newall, L. Jardillier, É. Edeline, S.Agostini, J. Mériguet, S. Fiorini, and G. Lacroix (submitted) Interactions between green and brown food webs in aquatic ecosystems: a mesocosm experiment. (preprint)

Samuel CHARBERET, Isabelle Gounand, Sentis Arnaud, Gérard LACROIX, Luc Abbadie, Mehdi Cherif, Michael Danger, Tanguy Daufresne, Franck Jabot, Sébastien Barot, Élisa THEBAULT , Cyrille VIOLLE, Pierre Quévreux, Frédéric Guichard,  Thomas STARCK, Anne-Sophie Lafuite, Jérôme Mathieu (in prep) Ecological stoichiometry across scales: from constraints to opportunities.


Quévreux, P., Brose, U., Galiana, N., Potapov, A., Thébault, É., Travers-Trolet, M., Wollrab, S., & Jabot, F. (2024). Perspectives in modelling ecological interaction networks for sustainable ecosystem management. Journal of Applied Ecology (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14584) (free PDF)


Quévreux, P., Haegeman, B., Loreau, M. (2023) Spatial heterogeneity of biomass turnover has contrasting effects on synchrony and stability in trophic metacommunities. Ecology Letters  (DOI : 10.1111/ele.14297) (free PDF)


 Theis, K., Quévreux, P., & Loreau, M. (2022). Nutrient cycling and self-regulation determine food web stability. Functional Ecology, 36, 202– 213. (DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13961) (free PDF)

Quévreux P. and Loreau M. (2022) Synchrony and stability in trophic metacommunities: when top predators navigate in a heterogeneous world. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (DOI : 10.3389/fevo.2022.865398) (free PDF)


Quévreux, P., Barot, S. and Thébault, É. (2021), Interplay between the paradox of enrichment and nutrient cycling in food webs. Oikos, 130: 95-109. (DOI: 10.1111/oik.07937) (free PDF)

Quévreux, P., Barbier, M., & Loreau, M. (2021). Synchrony and perturbation transmission in trophic metacommunities. The American Naturalist, 714131. (DOI: 10.1086/714131) (free PDF)

Quévreux, P., Pigeault, R., & Loreau, M. (2021)  Predator avoidance and foraging for food shape synchrony and response to perturbations in trophic metacommunities. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 528: 110836. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2021.110836) (free PDF )


Quévreux, P. and Brose, U. (2019), Metabolic adjustment enhances food web stability. Oikos, 128: 54-63. (DOI: 10.1111/oik.05422) (free PDF)


Quévreux, P. (2018) Conséquences des interactions entre voies vertes et brunes sur la stabilité des réseaux trophiques. Sorbonne Paris Cité ( (free PDF)