Math 8

Period 9

Math 8

Mrs. DePeri & Mr. Mirkovic

Room B6

In this course, we will study areas of pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry to prepare you for mathematics courses during your high school career and beyond. This includes systems of linear equations, creating and solving multistep equations, surface area and volume of three-dimensional shapes, angle relationships when parallel lines are cut by a transversal, Pythagorean theorem and more properties of triangles, transformations in a coordinate plane, using our knowledge for real-life applications and more.

Required Materials: Scientific Calculator, Classroom folder, 3-ring binder, loose-leaf paper, graph paper, #2 pencils, blue or black pens, highlighter, ruler, eraser


  • All students will respect their fellow classmates, the teacher and all property.
  • Everyone is to be seated before the bell rings with homework on desk and ready to work.
  • Do not bring any food or drink into the classroom (except water). No Gum!

  • Regular attendance is vital in successfully completing this course. Students who are absent from class are responsible for acquiring the information missed and will need to make up any missed assignments or exams within the allotted time period.

  • Students who arrive to class after the bell rings will be marked as tardy for that class period and receive a detention with myself after school. If a student is tardy to class three times within a marking period, he/she will receive an office detention.


Daily homework - Students should expect to have homework every night to reinforce skills and concepts learned in class. Homework assignments must have the work shown to receive credit. Homework with just answers written will not be accepted. If a student does not have his/her homework at the beginning of class when it is due, the student will not receive credit. Homework cannot be handed in late.

If absent, the student will receive a zero in Genesis for missed assignments until completed and shown to teacher. These assignments should be completed in a timely fashion.

Projects/long-term assignments (point value varies) – Students will have the opportunity to earn full credit for long-term assignments and projects that are turned in by the specified due date. Projects turned in late will receive a 5 point deduction per day late.

Class Participation & Activity Lists - The learner active classroom is a hands-on, interactive environment where students are responsible for their own learning. Students will be asked to complete their activity lists by participating in group work, finishing individual work, and contributing to class discussions. Students will also be responsible to attend mini-lessons or extra help sessions when a topic or specific content is not understood. Assignments from activity lists that are not completed on time will not receive credit.

If student is absent the day of an assessment, the student is expected to take the assessment when they return to class.

All assignments and tests are on a point system, value of each assignment will be provided when assignment is given. All assessments must be taken in pencil.

Daily Homework - 2 pts. each

Projects/Activities - points will vary

Mini Quizzes - 20-25 pts.

Quizzes - 50 pts.

Unit Tests - 100 pts.

Middle School Mathematics Placement

Minimum Grade Requirements

Incoming 6th Grade: Placement determined using Algebra Placement Rubric

Math 6: A- plus Rubric to be placed in Algebra

Algebra 6: B to move to Algebra II 7

Math 7: A- plus Rubric to be placed in Algebra

Algebra 7: B to move to Algebra II 8

Algebra II 7: B to move to Geometry 8

Math 8: Algebra 1 in High School

Algebra 8: B to go to Geometry Honors

Algebra II 8: B to go to Geometry Honors

Geometry 8: B to go to Math Analysis

If a student does not meet the minimum grade requirement, they will then drop a level. This may mean that a student will repeat a course.

Extra Help: I am available after school until 3:30pm and students can stop in my classroom to ask a question or make an appointment.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us by email.