what do tigers eat and how do they hunt????


My big question project is about what do tigers eat and how do they hunt.

what TIGERS eat

Like all wild cats a tiger is a carnivore. It eats live and dead animals. If a tiger was hungry enough it will attack a big bear. A tiger eats water buffalo, wild pigs, deer, and other large animals.

how do TIGERS hunt

When a tiger hunts is usually sneaks behind rocks, trees and bushes. Then in an explosive leaps it attacks its prey, such as a young tapir.

Next the tiger grabs its prey with its claws and pulls it to the ground. It bites its prey on the neck or the throat to kill them.


Tigers are strong enough to drag huge animals a long way. A single tiger can pull a water buffalo that weighs a ton. It would take 13 men to move such an enormous weight.

A tiger walking slow cause it just ran fast

A tiger getting ready to hunt. Notice how it blends in with its surroundings.

A tiger resting after it has hunted its prey

Visit these sources to find more information:

Websites about Tigers:

Tiger Foundation

Books about Tigers:

  • Tiger Tales by Deborah Chancellor
  • Tigers by Lynn M. Stone
  • Zoobooks: Tigers John Bonnett Wexo

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