Why do wolves howl?

why do they howl?

Why do wolves howl? It was always a mystery until now.

A wolf's howl fills the valley. A howl might mean that a male wolf would start its own pack or calls a different pack together if they get lost. Wolves also howl to communicate. It also shows the rest pack where to find a missing wolf.

Sticking together

Wolves howl for another reason too. It sticks them together like glue, and brings them back together if they get separated. In open country, wolves can hear their howls from 10 miles away!


There are all sorts of howls. There are howls to keeps wolves together, to make their own pack, and to find mate. Even to find a fellow pack member. Tons of howls in the world stand for different things, from warning about danger to celebrating the birth of new pups.


There are myths about howls too. If you think wolves howl at the moon you are wrong! Also, people fear wolves for many reasons too. Why? One reason is because wolves are very territorial, and also because they travel in packs.

Wolves live and hunt together in pack and using howling to communicate.

Yellowstone wolf howling alone

Three wolves howling in a pack. They may be warning of danger, celebrating the birth of new pups, or calling for a lost wolf.

A wolf's ears point in different directions depending on their actions

This wolf howling by itself may have become separated from its pack or it might be in search of a mate.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Websites about Why Wolves Howl?

Books about Why Wolves Howl?

  • Wolves and Their Ways by Barbara Schmitz Garreil
  • Why Do Wolves Howl? by Gabriel Kidd

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