What caused the megalodon to become extinct?

The jaw of a megalodon shark measured up to 7 feet across.

These photos show samples of megalodon teeth that were collected by scientists.

This a chart that shows the megalodon (gray) , compared to the great whie shark (green) and humans.

How Big Was The Megalodon

The megalodon shark was the largest predator that ever lived. It could weigh over 60 tons and reach 60-70 feet in length. This made the megalodon up to 3 times as long and 20 times heavy as the great white shark.

Megalodon’s teeth were normally 4-5 inches, but some fossils found were up to 7 inches. Also, it is believed its jaw was up to 7 feet across.

Research shows that the megalodon was much larger than the great white shark and the mosasaurs and tylosaurs.


All of these giant creatures needed a lot of food to live. It is belived an adult ate a ton of food a day, mostly whales or squid. Bigger animals eat more types of food and there is more competition or fighting for food.


Research and fossil remains show that megalodon became extinct 2.6 millon years ago when global cooling started. Some marine animals became extinct as temperatures cooled.

As the number of organisms in the food chain dropped, there was less food for the biggest animals such as the megalodon. Plants could not support the needs of the giant marine animal.

Around the time megalodon became extinct, new predators, such as great white shark, also killed whales. They became competitlon for the remaning food. It is believed the megalodon could not compete for food.


In conclusion, cooler temperatures, decreased food suplies, and new predators led to the extinction of megalodon.

This picture compares the size of the megalodon (60-70 feet) to a great white shark (20 feet) and a human (6 feet).

This drawing shows a megalodon going after its prey. They have a taste for whales.

Megalodon ate many large organisms, such as the giant squid (shown above) and whales.

Octopus was also prey of a megalodon.

Squid was prey for the megalodon, which tore apart their prey.

Visit these sources to find more information:

Websites about Megalodon

Books about Megalodon

  • Megatooth by Patrick O'Brien
  • Eyewitness Books: Shark by Miranda Macquitty

Fun fACTS:

  • Megalodon eat mostly whales
  • Megaldons could be out in the ocean
  • Megalodon teeth are bigger than any other shark's teeth

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